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Old 01-02-11, 10:09 PM   #8
Grey Wolf
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Default Beam me up

You scored Scotty!(I guess it was the honey lover in me talking).

You're not the first one to face that problem.Everybody wants free mods and I bow to all those selfless guys who put in so much work and dedication expecting nothing but positive feed back and the satusfaction of having contributed to something.

In TvsT's case that game was dead in the water; both SP and Mp were flawed by bugs and deserted, the distributor( incidentally the same one who held the rights to SF) went belly-up and the company that made it just washed their collectives hands and even pulled it off their website of games they took credit for.What were the fans who had bought it to do? Came along ZeeWolf promising to resurrect it ans turn it into something new, better and with a future.But it came with a price as he said he spent 18 months trying to figure out the ME and codes and practically making it full-time work outside of his job that is.

He wants to be paid for that and frankly I don't blame him as nobody else tried to really mod this game except for the limited MP mods that basically did not address the game's flaws, lack of variety and support.

As for paying games cheap, unfortunately if everybody does that game companies will either go broke or simply stop investing in new games as there's no money to be made.I believe everybody is entitled to a fair price/salary as long as they deliver a good quality product.

Enjoy SF it's a great game and with lots of free mods.Make sure to read the threads dedicated to SF resources on this forum and Graviteam's forum.If you need help/advice don't be shy I always around

Welcome on board Scotty and beam me up!
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