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Old 08-31-15, 05:45 AM   #58
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Neal Stevens View Post
Man, your researching prowess never fails to amaze. However, having two children who recently completed college and one who's midway through, I have a first-hand knowledge of the costs of higher education.
Well, then, you know that if they were to pay back their costs of higher education, starting on the low end of the pay-scale it would take them longer to do so than it took yourself. Of course, each individual case varies depending on the employment they are able to achieve post-college and the possibilities for career advancement within that field.

Stepping back though, and looking at the bigger picture, you can see that in many instances across the board costs have risen above the rate of inflation and above the rate of pay increases. Of course this is not universal, in some things the cost have actually decreased, certain food items for example have become cheaper thanks to mass manufacturing and large food store chains, in the UK there is a small crisis emerging over the cost of milk versus how much profit diary farmers are able to make, it's a double-edged sword really because whilst people are sure to want to be able to assist dairy farmers I'm not so sure whether this assistance will extend to paying an extra few quid for their milk.

I'm not saying that things were much easier in the past, that's a fallacy and the result of rose-tinted spectacles. Of course there were difficulties, but they were of a different kind, but equally one cannot say that everything has become easier for people in this age. Some things have, but other things have become more difficult.
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