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Old 05-31-22, 12:23 AM   #111
Navy Seal
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TMO Update BH V2.0
100 difficulty. Cams and contacts off.

Departed Milne Bay, New Guinea on 1 January 1944. Assigned area in the Truk-Rabaul shipping lanes.

January 6, 1944

SJ radar picked up two contacts bearing 010 26329 yards. Increased speed to intercept. Called General Quarters-Torpedo.

Soon became clear the contacts were moving at high speed on
a Northerly course. Even at flank speed, CISCO was having
difficulty pulling ahead.

Eventually, in distance could make out a large vessel and a DD in column, DD making sweeps ahead. Vessels were plotted on course 358 at 18 knots.

After some time moving ahead, submerged for attack. Went to 400 feet and flank speed to close to proper firing range. Upon reaching plotting point of track, began turn to bring stern tubes to bear in order
to utilize the new MK 18 electric torpedoes in stern tubes, taking
advantage of their lack of wake.

At periscope depth, identified the large vessel as a Aikoku Maru
class Auxiliary Cruiser 14280 tons. The DD was of Fubuki or similar class.

At 1556 fired tubes 7,8,9,10. Range 3300 yards. Torpedo (Tube 7) suffered
gyro malfunction and took a 50 degree jog to starboard, other torpedoes
deployed correctly.

At 1559, torpedo (tube no 9) impacted the stern of the target, other torpedoes missed. A large fire developed on the stern of the cruiser as it slowed. Engine/prop noises slowed, believe torpedo disabled the screw/rudder. Began turn to bring bow tubes to bear as DD was a bit ahead at time of impact and did not seem aware of CISCO's location.

About five minutes after impact, the fire on stern of target was burning and
she appeared dead in water, the torpedo hit had definitely disabled her prop and/or rudder. However, enemy DD seemed to have idea of CISCO's location
and bean closing at very high rate of speed, with pinging commencing.

CISCO rigged for depth charge and silent running, went to 450 feet. DD began a series or intense but inaccurate attacks, with CISCO leveling off at 500 feet. At 1653 noises of a ship breaking up following by explosions were clearly audible through the hull, emanating from the last bearing of the aux cruiser.

At 1653, 14280 ton AIKOKU MARU Class Auxiliary Cruiser sunk at 1-43N 148-55E. 330 NM NE Kaveing, New Ireland.

Intensity of depth charge attack ramped up after the cruiser went down. in spite of best evasive tactics was unable to shake the enemy DD. CISCO was forced 650 ft at one point, where the enemy had difficulties tracking, but continued with a persistent and accurate attack. A few minor leaks developed
during depth charging.

Eventually, DD "went silent" , clearly listening for CISCO as she plodded along at 650 ft. Night had now fallen and ship was rigged for red.
A few sporadic sound contacts were made with DD as she slowly moved about then went silent again.

At 2340 rose to periscope depth, then SJ depth, no contact with enemy DD. Secured silent running and GQ. Surfaced at 2350.
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