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Old 06-05-17, 11:08 PM   #26
Join Date: Apr 2008
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A few complaints So far is the Campaign's System of Contacts. Which, Basically throws you into a Single Mission Style arena. Setting up of an Ambush must take place from the a Big Map, and even then, I'm not always sure if I'm going to be put in the proper position. The Closing Distance Option is okay, Relating to the Sentence above, I'm not sure where the game will throw me in, so I'm not sure where I need to place myself.

The other issue is once you're in that instance we'll call it, That's it. If you leave, you fail. Even if your target is still in the SOSUS Line, and you're just repositioning after a 25k yard Approach somehow put them behind you in Your Baffles, you fail. It's a frustration I've never had before, The seeming lack of control to my approach. Perhaps I've been spoiled by Silent Hunter Too much? And perhaps with more hours I'll learn the system and overcome these complaints.

Now, GOOD Things. I'm quite in love with most of the OTHER game mechanics. The Controls, Whilst initially confusing to a Veteran SH Skipper, Were quite fun and easy to play around with. From Quick Dives to the slightest of course corrections, with not even maybe 10 minutes of practice, I was having no trouble with control. Treat it like an underwater jumbo jet. Steady corrections are the way to go.

Visuals aren't AAA, But, I've already admitted to playing a game series that's over 20 years old. The subs look good, the ships look good, the planes look good. the weapons look good. The Splash art for the Campaign screens are nice too (I See you M60A2 Patton "Starship") Sound is good too. The music is a good backdrop to what's going on around you. From just stalking a target, to the Impending approach of ASW Vessels. Weapons sound like you would expect them to. Sonar Pings send that familiar chill down your spine. Noisemakers Make their Noise, And the sound of Depth Charges splashes in the water make sitting in the Tactical Map a no go for me. My only issue here is a lack of Voiced Crew, or audible alerts to certain events. Things that may as well be fixed later down the line. They're certainly not a deal break for me either

Realism Levels are... Hmm. Sadly I'm not as versed in Cold War Era as most. So I'm a bit lacking here. But I'd say if a Nuke boat Skipper had to deal with something in 1968 or 1984, It's modeled as correctly as possible here. As others have said, It's not 100% "Do Everything" Sim. What isn't already Automated by Technology is Automated by trained professionals called "The Crew", which would be worrying about these tasks in a real boat anyways.

The AI is top Notch. I decided a few times to Mess with them. See what they could do. I was not disappointed. They are Aggressive, Relentless, and more importantly, GOOD at finding and killing you dead. Do not be afraid to drop down to easy until you get a hang of all the mechanics. I'm not going to judge you because all that I have said was done on normal.

The Weapons utilized are from what I can ascertain accurate. Though it gives me a little smirk to be in 1968 and firing Mark 16 Torpedoes. It's like reuniting with an old friend, except he's got this new and interesting Idea to get you Killed. (See Above Paragraph)

Overall, I have a lot to learn about the game and the mechanics still. But I look forward to learning them. though, I'm kind of disappointed in a lack of NATO Surface Vessels. It would be kind of interesting to see two Task Forces on the map Clash, and sticking yourself into the middle of it. Even as a Spectator it would be a sight to see.

Overall 7/10. I would Recommend if you want a Good Cold War Subsim that's Realistic enough to pass as a Simulation. But not as in depth as I've heard Dangerous Waters was.

Hours Played to Date: 3 Hours
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