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Old 03-23-19, 12:30 AM   #8
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by Jonas Grumby View Post
Seems like the O'Kane method.
Took me months to get that down on SH4. I've had it mastered for years and now I have to study and practice all over again.
I love it!
Approach from 90 degrees. Set scope to 0, set 90 AOB (port or starboard), input speed, ignore range. Swivel scope until the gyro reads 0 and thats your shoot point. It's not hard.

The only difference with this game is that you can't actually see the gyro while in the scope. So you have to disable the TDC from the scope then move the heading dial on the TDC (which should really be labeled bearing) until you find the bearing that zero gyro is on, then re-slave it to the scope and put the scope on that bearing. Or just have the man on the TDC tell you when the you are on the zero gyro.

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