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Old 01-26-21, 06:30 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by duce_de_zoop View Post
The same fundamentals apply. Create a backup of a clean SH3 folder. Make sure your modded SH3 is outside of Program Files (x86), since Windows can mess with it.

I know it's a pain to start over, but I'd recommend you do and follow the steps. It might take a bit longer, but the patience is worth a clean build. Otherwise you could corrupt your install.

You definitely need TychosPatch to run Arb WideGui, it won't work without it.

Yeah and this is what a lot of people do, but some are just bug fixes. I recommend CrashDiveBlues, Night Vision, U-Tanker Fix, Bad Weather Fix, War News Fix and Radar Bugfix enabled. I keep some of the more hardcore stuff like periscope fix, torpedo failure fix etc turned off.

Check the readme pdf included in the hsie download, it explains the fixes, and hsie really won't cause you any issues.

Link to hsie:

Thanks! I have backed up my stock, 1.4b sh3.exe as you suggested in the "INSTALL HELP - GWX.docx"...and that's as far as I got when I started thinking about this being for a Steam install.

"You definitely need TychosPatch to run Arb WideGui, it won't work without it."

I understand that download of ARB WideGUI includes a TychosPatch?...

So I don't know what to do...the included ARB instructions or yours?
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