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Old 12-16-20, 09:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post

you certainly touched a lot of buttons in your training reps. let's see if we can give some constructive feedback.

you did not include a mod list so the assumption is that you are playing Stock. can you reply with which version of Stock you are playing? 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 *with or without Uboat Missions.

how many torpedoes does it take to sink a ship? well, it depends. () it depends on the mod set and it depends on the torpedo options.
first the mod set. Stock merchant ships will sink fairly easily provided that the torpedo(es) actually explode. more on that in the next bullet. DD/DE will sink with one actual hint in Stock. There is a post somewhere in the forum where a kaleun has listed the usual number of hits it will take to sink a particular class of vessel. as you progress in playing, you will discover that modders change ship vulnerability to absorb damage according to their mod-goals. For example, some mods make DD/DE almost immune to bow-on hits. i do not want to get too far into the weeds at this point in your career, just know that Stock has the easiest sinking models.

next, torpedo options. there are Gameplay options available that can vary the success or failure of your torpedoes. the Option on the Main Menu will control the Options for Single Missions and War Patrols, and also the Training missions. When you begin a career, there is a different set of options to set. The US side is set using the radio Set on the left. for the Germans, use the file cabinet on the right.

when you play with Torpedo Defects turned on, you will experience the full array of torpedo defects: running too deep, prematures, circular runners, duds, and probably a couple more which i cannot remember at this time. Sometimes, a torpedo appears to "hit" a target but in fact it does little damage because there was some sort of failure. that is probably what happened with your tanker and that is also probably why she sailed away from you.

as far as gun battles go, try to avoid them as you will come out worse-for-wear. your example is a good one: you beat the snot out of a couple of DD/DE and then catch what-for from the merchies. as a rule, consider all surface ships a clear-and-present danger when you are on the surface. also as a rule, i do not surface within 7000 yds of any merchie, even if they are un escorted. Depending on the AI for the enemy 7k may still be too close.

that's all for now. study up on your torpedo targeting on which you inquired in a separate post.

keep playing the Training mission until you get it right.
good luck!

Appreciate the info as always!

Seems like these modern subsims (as opposed to the 1989 Silent Service II I am used to) go into a great deal more detail.

I had assumed that the mods were for visuals, I didn't realize they also altered gameplay and balance.

As I think you saw in another thread, I am trying to install the Fall of the Rising Sun mod before I get into starting an actual campaign. I'm looking for something as balanced and real world as possible. I'm working my way up to manual targeting, getting used to all the other controls first.

I'm not sure how I feel about immunity to bow on hits. Certainly that's not particularly realistic? I mean, an impact detonated torpedo might just give a glancing blow without exploding (maybe?) but certainly a magnetic fused torpedo would detonate, and a destroyer can't possibly be immune to that.
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