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Old 03-02-21, 03:32 PM   #5
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A long campaign for rewriting the youth books by Enid Blyton due to unwated "gender stereotyping" has been successful in Germany two or three years ago, at least the German editions are planned to get republished in gender-correct editions and in correct gender-speak.

There are demands to edit Asterix comics for it, too, plus they are so stereotpying nationalities and again, gender. And that brutality in them! There have been efforts in Europe to just ban them.

Grimms' fairy tales are to be redone due to the young psyche-hurting cruelty in them. Also, "mothers" and "fathers" have to be gotten rid off, linguistically.

Several other child books (speaking of kindergarden age!) are getting the full treatment, too.

There is a push for getting sexual roles in sexual relations being treated in picture books for the smallest of kids, 4, 5, 6, 7 years old.

At university, papers can no longer be handed in if you do not use gender correct new-speak. You are not being left with a choice of whether wanting to comply with it or not - you get boycotted and forced into compliance if you don't, you dont get grades and cannot pass exams if you dont. Politicians and public services and media must use gender new-speak, and do (for English speakers it maybe is not fully understood what absurd and stupid contortions this causes in German language - with its more complex grammar than English -, which before had a fully functional and intact grammar). Its not just the written word - its also the spoken word. You have to make artifical breaks and pauses in mid-word now to express some gender stupid nonsense by this "pronounciation" now and treat the femininum and maskulinum equally. As a result you sound like a stammerer.

I forsee the near times when you will get sued as a private person if you committed the crime to use gender -incorrect grammar and wording in the public sphere. Its not a big step to that anymore. Watch your tongue.

Some months ago, a representative poll found that a majority of Germans think that you are no longer free to speak your opinion freely in Germany. A majority said they do not dare that anymore. Social repression and the militias of many different self-proclaimed thougth polices and gender ideology guardians are a real threat now. And they ruin job careers, assault reputations, defame individuals and destroy existences already now. The social mobbing and metaphorical lynching continues at universities were speakers and tutors get forced to leave the podium and are being yelled down.

I loved Enid Blyton novels when I was young, I speed-ate them, so to speak. I also still love Asterix, and I loved the brothers Grimm fairy tales.

The destruction of culture and tradition and all the personal cozy memories it holds for me, I will never forgive this ideological scum of utmost brutal egoism. My contempt for these kind of creatures has reached unlimited levels. I feel nothing for them, nothing. And if they would got off in a blazing flame, I would refuse to raise and see if I could find a bucket for water.

I know that I am not the only one. And this is dangerous, if you push a society that far that more and more of the established basis of it feels like this. Its degenerations like this that make people like me maybe not actively supporting or voting for parties like AfD - but also not stepping into their way and not lifting even the small finger once in defence of the new state order. I refuse to defend this system anymore.

I assume it is a comparable, though different, thing with the strict rejection of non-orange social order in America by the orange legion fanatics. A desperate desire to resist to an ideological "leftification" that has driven its fangs and claws deep into civil society. I think we all sit on a powder keg that sooner or later must and will go Booom. Every action has reaction. A house forced into division like this, will not stand.

Even the Duden - a series of German dictionaries of the German language being the authority for German grammar and spelling - has surrendered to gendering recently. Gender gaps and stars in spelling now are formal reality.

I mentioned this many years ago for the first time already. Quite some of you guys yawned or laughed, thought it were just Skybird lamenting again. I assume you do not yawn and laugh anymore?!

Additional to this I am completely pissed by any stranger and any shop and any advertising approaching me on first name terms (the German "Du") as if we were close buddies, family, intimite friends. The German "Du" is quite intimate and lacks any social respect that usually was seen as common between strangers meeting in a polite context. They may do that for historical habit in Scandinavia, but middle Europe has not formed this habit, and I see it simply as a clumsy attempt of mobbing (=anpöbeln). A reduction of social distance is the result of a process that takes time, sometimes more, sometimes less, and sometimes, in social hierarchical contexts, it even is never desired. To start with the closest form of expressing intimacy and closeness, is in princple and in my perception a form of aggression. A lack of politeness and respect for the other it is at minimum.

Every stranger wants to be my best buddy these days - but I definitely don't want that.

"We call us all by our first names in here, we are "per Du". What is your name?"
"Yeah, and your first name?"

I am not Herr Meyrinck, but I could be him.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-02-21 at 06:18 PM.
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