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Old 04-04-21, 05:18 PM   #67
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I am not against e-cars. Just against a concept of e-cars needing batteries that must be recharged via a complex, expensive and time-consuming infrastriutre to be newly created.

If you travel from North to South Germany in an e-car, you now need many times as much time for that trip, and are being accompanied by constant fear that the weather maybe asks a higher toll from the batteries, or the next charger is defect, and you sit hours and hours (accumulated) beside chargers and watch nothing while the battery gets loaded once again, or... or... or... And this stupid nonsense they sell us as "progress"...? In my book its a massive step backwards. Battery cars like this only have a place in the short range infrastructure within a city.

Hydrogen that gets tanked in like gas, that is the way to go. Can in parts even use alrready existing infrastructure.

But then engenious formdiable palnned economy scientists and visionaries would need to admit that they were wrong, so the yprefer to use the power of the state to push an erratic strategy ever more forward.

In Asia they are more intelligent - China, Japan, Korea develope BOTH, parallel, and use both.

I like ebikes, however. But nobody should be mistaken: its expensive a way to ride bicycle, the runnig costs add up. Do not buy such a thing to ease your ecological conscience or to save money over your car, do it because it is fun to drive ebike. And do it only for that reason - and no other. The running costs pile up, really: Chains, gears, wear out much faster and must be replaced at frequencies you usually only see at pro race drivers' bikes. I replace all this every 750-1100 km. Thats much. Plus my third battery just bought, and my motor just got replaced for the first time, after 12000km. After five years (no matter how much you used them) you must accept battery max capacity loss of 25-30%, just due to aging. Thats why I always ask: how long last those car batteries, because these age just with time, too. Charging and decharging cycles only speed up aging, too.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-04-21 at 05:30 PM.
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