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Old 01-19-15, 12:24 PM   #2
Ocean Warrior
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Well the valid points are:
- we have a problem with the fact that there were very few ships pre late 00s.
- our industry would find it difficult to build major surface combatants (ie carriers), though we were/are working on this (the new shipwright in the Far East which now faces the lack of orders b/c the northern gas/oil projects are placed on hold due to the current gas/oil prices making them unviable hence they would probably get an order from the state to build warships).
- indeed some components (namely gas turbine engines for ships) were manufactured in Ukraine (though we are working on restarting domestic production), diezel and nuclear powerplants are not affected that way (b/c they are produced domestically).

So while there are some fairly major problems, they are not unsolvable with sufficient funding. Onto the state of Russian Navy though:

The Black Sea Fleet is getting into a good shape. By 2017 we expect to have 7 kilos there (6 new, 1 from refit), 1-3 Frigates (all new), refit Slava class and various legacy ships and smaller vessels (such as the new Small Missile Ships). By 2020 it would be a decent forces with a Cruiser action group (Slava+Frigates) and a sub division.
According to this:
article Moscow would receive S400 SAMs and so on during the refit.

The Baltic Fleet (operating in the bath tub it does) has a number of new Corvetes, which should get the job done in that theatre, as in reality those Corvetes are actually small Frigates (strike weapons, medium ranged SAMs, helicopter hangar and so on).

The Northern/Pacific fleets get the Kirovs refits (2 recently refit kirovs plus Peter the Great), Kuznetsov (which would finally get some repairs) and would have the sub component improved (refits to Akulas, Sierras and Oscars).
An interesting points is that it appears (the source is questionable, but still) that the Udaloys would also go through refit, which should give us decent escorts (in addition to Gorshkov class Frigates). The source is:
It claims that Udaloys would receive new gun (the A192), S400 series SAMs, the Kalibr series strike/ASW weapons. An example of such an upgrade (drawn up by enthusiasts, may or may not reflect the real upgrade if it does happen) could be seen here:

It replaces the Kinzhal VLS units with the Redut VLS units (the the 9M96 rounds), replaces the Kinzhal radar sets with the Fort-M radar sets, the second gun is replaced with a VLS for the S400 rounds (48N6DM), the ASW missile launchers are replaced by Kalibr/Yahont ones. The mass limits were not over reached, all equipment items fit the freed space, thus such modification primarily depends on the ability of the defense industry to produce the required items.
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