Thread: Still standing?
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Old 01-27-06, 09:13 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by horsa
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I do like DC a heck of a lot! Its a game that I find myself coming back to
Yep, I know what you mean. Its only inches away from being a good surface warfare platform ......... but I keep coming up against the twin pillars of frustration
1.code access to extend a few features ( like incresed fade in distance and critical hits )
2. needing a JRF converter to introduce new models .
hope that someday I'll be able to captain the HMS Agincourt at Jutland
You can do that of course, but your ship won't look like the Agincourt ... it will look like the QE or Royal Sovereign
And that's just it - it DOESN'T have to look like QE or RS but for the blasted JRF converter schtick. I'm basically a painter/texturer and I can paint it to look like a duck but if it's got four legs and meows no one's going to be fooled. Sigh...

And yeah, it's almost there and that's what bugs the heck out of me. They could have supported us more, gave us a few more modding tools and a patch that fixed even those bloody basic things - very frickin basic things like making SOUND GENERAL QUARTERS actually do something, fixing sub/ship resupply, launchable carrier aircraft. I say basic here because other games are doing all that and more. It doesn't have to be difficult. For General Quarters simply make all ships operate at reduced efficiency, particularly their guns (since you got watches coming off and on and some guys are tired and others are catching up on their sleep) unless you sound it - but if you keep it on for more than a few hours the tension and fatigue hits you and you incur penalties as well. Very simple yet terribly realistic. Launchable carrier aircraft? Just make the darn things appear where you have a carrier - oh and it would have been nice for them to have included even a SIMPLE AI dogfight routine.

This game is simple enough to play, learn and mod (by mod I mean basic stuff like messing with ship udfs and stuff) and with a modicum of support it could have been the Combat Flight Simulator of the seas. I've not bought SH2 because I don't want to be suckered into buying something that promises and doesn't deliver.

Sorry for the rant... sigh... it's just so frustrating because it's so darn close. Like you can almost touch it but you can't.

Enjoy the mods (and if things pick up here who knows, there might be more coming - can anyone say HMS Ulysses?)
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