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Old 04-03-20, 06:37 PM   #4
The Old Man
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One thing missed a lot - how deep is deep enough? Periscope depth is good for anything except airplanes, with the scope sticking up an elite destroyer crew will see it at 500-1000 yards, if you're at 40 feet with the periscope shears above the water anyone at a range of 2 miles is unlikely to see you even in the daytime. Decks awash;

You can often get within 2000 yards before being spotted, 1000 yards at night.

In general though, trick to penetrating harbors is surface at least 5 miles from any shore to recharge batteries, preferably at night, and when submerged use a SHALLOW periscope depth, 50 to 55 feet, to avoid running aground.

I often go into Osaka even when I don't have the mission, because of Kobe - lots of juicy targets, battleships and carriers, sitting at anchor in shallow water. Hard to miss when they're sitting ducks.

Plot a course at least 5 miles from land, using the compass tool to draw 5 mile circles at capes (potential shore battery locations) then avoid them or transit submerged. The dark area inside the harbor is deeper water, but the best method is to keep plenty of torpedoes in reserve for shooting your way out if needed, and move out of the way of transiting convoys and patrol boats.

Really not that difficult to get in and out of Osaka, for a real challenge try going all the way to the Tokyo docks - southwest corner of Tokyo Bay has a few spots where you can sit on the surface at night to recharge batteries. Requires a lot of patience because (1) it's a lot bigger than Osaka with fewer patrols, and (2) there are very few safe places so you have to spend a lot of time submerged and waiting for opportunities to sneak past the constant ASW patrols.
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