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Old 09-07-09, 06:06 PM   #11
The Old Man
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@Typical Russian

Nice demo with great scope for the future, the ship models in particular are nicely detailed. Here are a few suggestions for you...

In the main menu "Arcad" should be spelled "Arcade"

The main screens read "Ironclads High Sea" rather than "Ironclads: High Seas" which would be more correct in English.

In the speed selection telegraph make the quadrants of the telegraph themselves clickable rather than the text numbering. Better to use words as historic ie:"stop/slow/half/full/flank" than the percentages etc

Add simple sound order acknowledgements eg a telegraph bell for engine speed increases A "Fire at will, aye aye sir" / "Cease Fire aye aye sir" for gunfire orders. An "x degrees port/starboard helm, aye aye sir" message for helm commands etc.

Make better water available for series 7 and lower cards

Ensure that damage is sustained when ships collide, add collision "crunching" sounds.

Probable bug
When moving the mouse and zooming in I became trapped in an
underwater viewpoint.

I was also wondering if land, islands etc would be part of the game as this would add more tactical options to the game.

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