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Old 12-21-08, 10:08 PM   #2
Machinist's Mate
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Depends on what you're looking for really. LOMAC is a good game and reasonably complex compared to things like Ace Combat, but I'd consider it more of a complicated game than a full-fledged simulator. If you plan on getting the Flaming Cliffs expansion you should be aware that it contains starforce, but it also adds another plane 2 or 3 more campaigns and a better flightmodel, most MP servers will require it too. Good training videos can be found HERE.

My vote for the BEST modern combat sim would have to go to Falcon 4: Allied Force. It features one of the best dynamic campaigns I've ever seen, has a clickable cockpit, and accuratly simulates almost all of the F-16's avionics. Graphically it's not very impressive, but thats almost completely ignorable once you dig into the 716 page manual (pdf). So far i've logged about 90 hours in it and I have (slightly) above basic understanding of all the systems. I have yet to try MP, but I hear theres a good group that plays at Multivipers.

Another option, which I have no experience with...yet, is DCS:Blackshark. From what i've seen, it's a very accurate simulation. I believe Porphy has a thread laying around here about it.

If you've got the money, I'd reccomend getting both LOMAC and F4:AF. Falcon is only $19us and lomac ~$2us on amazon if you look at the "new and used" pages. LINK to where I got it.

Hope this helps.
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