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Old 07-21-10, 09:05 AM   #26
The Old Man
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Default Extend/Rotate the Round Radio Antenna Continued

I released this info in this post because there are a few good MOD's available that already adjust the UBoot_Sensors.sim file. If you or the MOD Author's want to use this information, GO FOR IT....
"Original Concept discovered by BIGREG"

  1. Open Gobline Editor and Load the Uboot_Sensors.GR2 file.
  2. Now - Merge the UBoot_Sensors.sim file.
  3. Locate the Dummy_Round_Antenna -> Round_Antena in Scene Tree.
  4. Right-Click the child named Round_Antena and select Edit Controllers.
  5. Currently the "Existing Behaviors" Column is blanks so we need to add a "Dial" control from the Available Behaviors column -> SHControllers list. So expand the SHControllers and Double-Click Dial to add it to Exhisting Behaviors list.
  6. Now Click on the new Dial control we just added to view it's properties.
Here are the value's to adjust that I used for the Type-VIIC:
MinDVal= -0.01
MaxDVal = 0.1
MinRVal = 9.1
MaxRVal = 9
LogFactor = 0
Cammand = 
Both Drag options = NO
NOTICE the MinRVal is greater than the MaxRVal. This makes the antenna raise when surfaced and lower when you submerge

Now if you want the Antenna to Rotate we need to add a "GenericAxisRotation" using the same steps described above.

Here are the value's to adjust that I used for the Type-VIIC:
RotationSpeed = 25
RotationInertia = 0.01
Angles Min = 0
Angles Max =359
Axe = Y
KNOWN ISSUE: I have not been able to figured out how to stop the antenna rotation when I submerge. I tried adding WaterInteraction and or WaterSurfaceTransition controllers to stop the rotation but they didn't work. I think they have to be added "Special" as child of the "GenericAxisRotation" controller. Not sure how to do this yet...

You can also Extend the Dummy_ROD_Antena using almost the same settings. The thing is, you want the Rod Antenna to raise when you submerge.

Here are the value's to adjust that I used for the Type-VIIC:
MinDVal= -0.01
MaxDVal = 0.3
MinRVal = 5
MaxRVal = 10
LogFactor = 0
Cammand = 
Both Drag options = NO
NOTICE the MinRVal is less than the MaxRVal. This makes the Dial work the other way so the Rod Antenna is lowered when surfaced and it raises when you submerge.

Save Changes, Enable the MOD, Restart Game, Reload Saved Game
Note the Round DF Radio Antenna should be raised out of stowed position when Surfaced.
Fear me! I am, TheBeastBelow

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Last edited by TheBeast; 07-21-10 at 09:34 AM.
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