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Old 05-19-21, 11:06 AM   #3
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It does have a certain amount of effect, but much stronger is the effect if you make music yourself and play an instrument, this really impacts on the coordination of hemipsheres in the brain.

Everything we do that sparks activity in certain brain areas, over time causes the neural rewiring of neurons in this area, and beyond. We once thought the brain does not change and grow once we are adult. We know today that not only brain areas can compensate for the loss of functionality in other areas, but that under certain circumstances new neurons can grow. But the possibilities in this should not be overestimated, do not expect miracles. A principle effect on the cellular or neural level, and an effect on the observable level in everyday life, are two different things.

What helps, against Parkinson and Alzheimer, is to feed the brain cells where these diseases more and more by some doctors are understood to be "brain cell inflammations" and "brain cell starvations". Eat coconut oil (not shy with the amounts!), and reduce your carbohydrate intake, switch back and forth between glucose and keto burning metabolism (in Harvard they refer to it as#Fintermittend switching", parallel to intermittend fasting), reduce drastically your carbohydrate and cereals intake (bread,), increase your fat consumption, especially animal fats from pastured animals, supplement significant doses of Omega-3, reduce your consumption of Omega-6 and Arachidonic acid. Especially Omega 6 you should reduce dramatically. Avoid sources of it where you identify them, you will still consume more than enough of it, inevitably. O6 and O3 under ideal conditions have a nearly equal balance 1:1 to 2:1, maximum 3:1. Same goes for the balance between Arachidonic acid and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid, one of the two Omega-3s, the other you want is DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid). You can and shoukd consujme these daily in doses of (pure) 3 to 4 grams (grams, not milligrams). In the Western world, people usually have a O6:O3 ratio in their food consumption of 15:1 to over 30:1. I think this causes a health massacre in modern civilization.

More and more the recommendation of avoiding consuming excessive levels of carbohydrates and fighting down Omega-6 (the assumed "healthy" unsaturated fatty acids in plant oils...), reducing insuline and cortisole-triggering eating events (eat less, often, and avoid snacking all day long), and having times of fasting (from ordinary days-fasting to intermittend fasting timetables, become common, and it helps with so many civilizational deseases that all too often get caused by modern eating regimes and heavily processed industrial waste-to-eat. Cereals and fructose-containing fruits increasingly come under scrutiny. For the energy-supply of brain cells, all that chnage can only be positive. All is linked to everything else. Corn syrup, fructose, and all that, should be understood to be poisons.

Also, avoid obvious poisons like flouride, bromide, pentachlorides, lead, quick silver... They all can accumulate on the celluar level and dock on neural receptors of cells, blocking them from nutrients that are intended to use them (vitamines, hormones, trace elements). Think of it like blocking a port and cutting the telephone wires, so that nothing gets in and no communication takes place. A increasingly desperate supply crisis and lack of a coordinated reaction would be the result in that port and land, and that is what happens in your body and brain as well.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-19-21 at 06:41 PM.
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