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Old 07-24-09, 04:04 PM   #190
The Old Man
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New Version ready

[B]DOWNLOAD LINK (26 july 2009):
(Zip file, 3.88 MB)

Note: If you have my previous version, disable and delete it, you won't need it anymore. In case you're new to the ACM mod, you might wonder why I spent time on a SH3 mod. Well, Mikhayl's interface is the best. The layout is perfect and I'd love to see it in SH4 too. I've used it for months and the only changes I could make are minor "artistic" things.

This mod includes all of the files and changes stated below. This mod doesn't include ACM's original so download that first. In case you're wondering, enable ths mode after ACM. ACM can also be loaded after OLC's latest mod (not 100% recommended). I have the "OLC 'Gold' MkII ~ Option 4 ~ Environment with EDE and GUI with LRT" and it works perfectly in those parts that ACM didn't touch. However, after reading and analyzing OLC's mod, I'm amazed that the game doesn't crash. If you encounter problems when combining with OLC's, check Lopo's issue and link a few posts above.

Features at a glance:
- new backgrounds for AP, OP, UZO, TDC
- cleaner map with improved Line Bearing Tool
- new scope marks and filters with easy to change colors and transparency
- new recalibrated AOB tool that doesn't require doubling the mast.
- center cross and discrete bearing readout on the binocular view.

If you make any changes to the mod, remember to disable/reenable it in JSGME. Please note that changing colors for marks or filters in one file might lead to changes made in other files for color consistency. I used the same color for the AP marks, UZO marks and Binocular Marks. Read further to understand the use of each file.

Attack Periscope (AP):

- Data\Menu\Gui\Periscope.tga: this is more or less the background of the Attack Periscope view. I've removed all the marks from the "lens" and changed the texture on the panels. It's the same as on the UZO, but even darker. The ship's name, after you identify it, appears over the SIEMENS part (i don't use it any more and didn't know where to place it because of lack of space. And I like that Siemens text ).
- Data\Menu\Lenses\per_marks.tga: these are the attack periscope Marks. To change the color, open in GIMP or photoshop and paintbucket fill with any new color. What you see is what you get, since the layout of the marks is taken from the opaque alpha channel. Don't mess with the alpha map unless you know what you're doing. The marks are 1 pixel in width.
- Data\Menu\Lenses\per_filter.tga: this is the filter on the Attack Periscope. It's a red tint, for good horizon contrast. To change the color and brightness, open in GIMP or Photoshop. The color is given by the RGB (color) layer. Paintbucket fill with any color you want (I strongly recommend using pure bright colors). To change the visibility of the filter, paintbucketf ill the Alpha channel with any shade of gray. The lighter the shade, the more opaque the filter will be, translating in more brightness, stroger color, but less contrast. So for example, if you make the color a dark red and you increase the opacity, you'll get preety much the same view as in the default, but with less contrast. The best contrast is achieved for completely transparent (invisible) filters. The color information however remains the same, you don't get new light information, but you also don't lose any. I hope that makes sense for you. In short, change the color (bright green, blue, yellow, pink, whatever) and only change opacity if it looks bad.
- Data\Menu\OLC\AOFBInnerDIsc.tga: completely changed, check tutorial below.
- Data\Menu\OLC\AOBFOuterDisc.tga: The Ujagd Tools precision marks are back. Of course you have to click the AOB tool to see them first. They have the same color as the Periscope Marks. To remove them, edit the alpha channel and fill the marks with black. The outer dials now have nice transparent plastic marks. If you ever need to mod this file, you'll curse me for not saving the .psd file with the layers.

Observation Periscope:

- Data\Menu\OLC\ObsScope.tga: the background, same comment as for the AP.
- Data\Menu\Lenses\obs_marks.tga: the marks on the lens, same comment as for the OP. The marks are 2 pixels thick, since the view is twice the size of the AP view. They're black, since they're perfectly visible on top of the bright filter, even at night.
- Data\Menu\Lenses\obs_filter.tga: the filter, with the same comment as for the AP filter. Default color is bright Yellow. The filter is not much opaque than the AP one, but since the color is "whiter" it's appears to have more brightness overall. I use a very dark monitor so I might've made it a bit too bright for others.


- Data\Menu\OLC\UZO.tga: the background for the UZO view. I've mirrored the changes in the AP background. It's a bit brighter since you're outside . I've added marks similar to the ones found in the latest OLC mod. They're included in the background files, since the UZO doesn't require filters. You'll see a dark green box in the middle of the view. Change it to any color you want. The actual marks are edited in the aplha channel. To remove the marks, just fill those marks with a black pencil.

Attack Map:

- Data\Menu\Gui\StrTactMap.tga: this is the overlay on the attack map. I've removed the coffee stains and paper fold marks, since the view was way too cluttered. I've kept the yellowish paper texture tho.
- Data\Menu\MouseCurs\Line.tga and Line Ext.tga: As seen in the pic, the line helper tool now has extra marks on the inside. The lines represent 45 degree intervals (N,NE,E,SE,S, etc.). While the small dots represent 22.5 degree intervals (NNE,ENE,ESE, etc.). The very very small 10 degree intervals on the inside are missaligned but ignore them .

TDC View (Attack Map):

- Data\Menu\Gui\TDC\TDCCover.tga: just a simple background, with the new metal texture. The screenshot doesn't do it justice. I think it looks amazing with the new shadows.


- Data\Menu\OLC\Binoculars.tga: I've just added a small green cross in the middle for easy airplane flak targeting. Don't worry, it won't change color when you mouse-over a target. As in the UZO file, change the color of the green circle in the middle to change the color, and if you want, go to the Alpha Map to change the layout of the cross.
- Data\Menu\OLC\BinBearing.tga: these are the bearings that you see under the cross. They're at 10 degree intervals and they're preety narrow. Open that file to change the color or even delete marks in the Alpha channel. My first version was with 30 degree intervals only. But it was a bit troublesome. To make them dissapear completely, fill the alpha channel with black. Or, if you really want to know how I made them appear again, go to the menu_1024_768.ini file and search for "BinBearing.tga". You'll see this:
[G27 I7]
Type=1030;Static bmp
Pos=483,360,60,16;423,1774,180,16 OLC moved off screen
Display=0;No stretch
Mat 0=data/menu/OLC/binbearing.tga

Edit the "Pos" line to change the location. The original values of OLC are after the ";" character.

Other changes in the Menu.ini file:
I've changed this part:
[G33 I5]
Name=Type val
Type=1029;Static text
, by commenting out the last 5 lines to make the "Merchant/Warship" text from the Hydrophone menu go away. Now you won't be able to know from 10km away in pitch black if that tugboat is armed or not . Remove the ";" characters to have that line back.

Other changes:
- Data\Menu\Gui\Layout\RecFreighters.tga (THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT): Since I'm using makman94's TMT mod (found here:, I had to adjust some of the values of the mini recognition manual. The Granville Freighter now has 18 meter mast and 92 length, the Medium Cargo has 21 meters mast, and the Ore Carriet a 23 meter mast. In case you don't use that mod, delete my file from the mod, before enabling it. However, please note that the Granville really is 92 meters in length, and not 78, even without the mod.
-Data\Menu\en_menu.txt: Removed the "Mast(X2):" reference. It's now just "Mast:".

Last edited by karamazovnew; 07-25-09 at 09:19 PM. Reason: File Update
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