Thread: Star Citizen
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Old 06-08-19, 08:44 AM   #244
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Threadfin View Post
Why would it be outdated?
Squadron 42 released in 2014/2015 would be missing a lot that Star Citizen would have later on. It would be an outdated game given what their plans are.

Their plans include things for which the technology does not yet exist? Doesn't that trouble you? Is it even true?
Nothing exists until someone invents it. When people say SC is trying to do what hasn't been done before, it's not just a sales speech.
No game has tried to do what they plan to do.

It's comments like this that explain the acquiescence in a large part of the SC community.
The SC community can be hostile towards criticism, but it's because the criticism is always the same. "Hahaha, 2014 and it's still not done!!" I can accept criticism of it and I have concerns myself, but when it is the same old crap repeated it gets irritating. It's kinda like when Richard Dawkings stopped debating Creationists; the arguments were always the same debunked crap.

You've shown that you haven't payed much attention to the game, you probably read the Forbes BS article and came here to have a jab at the game. You weren't aware of the number of ships in game at the moment, you weren't aware of how many release times they've met in their roadmap in the past year or so. I have no blind faith in SC, but if you are going to critize it, at least do your research.
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