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Old 09-26-12, 11:37 PM   #1
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Looking to the future...

Personally, I think we can safely say that SHO will be garbage, from what I've seen anyways. But I have a question for you all: what do YOU want to see in SH6 (Assuming Ubisoft or another company continue the franchise)?

Will it be F2P? Will it (succeed at) make you relate to your Crew? Will It be simply a graphics update for a past game? Do you want it (God forbid) to be browser based? Tell me what you want. I'm sure Ubi will be listening.

Personally I'm okay with F2P- In fact I think SH has a lot of potential as a Multiplayer F2P (but with a downloadable client). Think entire servers with maybe 40 subs each. Ubi could get their revenue in by making you get a small poorly armed sub (say a type 2) for a basic sub and each sub purchase lasts for one life - if it sinks you have to get a new one. A cash purchase would mean a sub is permanently at your disposal. This would also give Ubi reason to ramp up enemy AI.

Another thing I would like to see if SH6 is a "standard" game is lots of subs. Give us as many as you can, whether they failed, existed, or were never built or launched (based on theoretical specs of course). But not just attack subs anymore- Imagine the terror of captaining a defenseless milk cow, Cargo Uboat, or minelayer. This would bring something new to the franchise.

Another way to make SH6 different and exciting is to introduce new countrie's fleets (think Japan, Russia, Britain, etc.) and possibly multiple campaigns or war patrols as new fleets. That could be DLC, too.

Finally, feel free to state what you don't want in the next installment of this franchise, too.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” - G. K. Chesterson

Last edited by whyme943; 09-26-12 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Typos
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