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Old 04-12-11, 06:11 AM   #1322
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Some interesting things for those guys who have game-freeze occasions after inabling MO:
1. I"ve installed MO with few other mods in propper accordance with STOIANM's tutorials
2. After starting new campaing saved the game in port and qiut to Win.
After loading the game I tried to fire at the nearest ship in the harbour with 3 torps. Game-crash occurs only after critical hit (when the ship considered to be destroyed).
3. I fully deinstall the game (including all maps and directories, files in "My documents also, JSGME), cleaned off the register with "CD-cleaner" prog.
4. After reapiting installation procedure (incl. MO) I deleted "captainslog" file as it was mentioned above.
5. After that I successfully sent to botom the nerest ship in my harbour, but CTD occured when I tried to push the captainslog-icon (in the right corner of the interface).
6. Then repeat all the installation ops I just replaced the captlog-file after installing MO with the the same from the vanilla version of the game (before inabling MO via JSGME). The result was as in p.5 (crash and reset)
7. I restarted the savegame, went off the harbour and sank 1 british and 1 neytral merchants.
AND THERE WAS NO ANY GAME FREEZE, even after pushing the captlog icon (right corner up to "crew management icon"). All new tonnage (incl. neutral) was addit to my account.

SO I figureout that destroing FRIENDLY vessels is simply NOT CONSIDERED in the game by authors and mod-makers.
You just can see that in the captlog window interface there are no any separate divisions such as "allie ships destroyed tonnage" and "enemy ship destroyed tonnage". When you, f.e., have 20000 tonns of brits., and then terminate the 6000 tonn german (friendly) vessel, what should be the total account? 26000? - no way.
So when the AI faces this problem while making operations on calculating new account immideatly after new vessel destroyed in order to make changes in your Captlog, system failour occurs.

So everything is OK with the Magnum Opus. I dont think that replacing "captainslog"-file with the same vanilla-game file plays the key role in the process of avoiding crashes.

All outcomes above are just my own opinion, and there is a great space for further experiments remaining.

Sorry for the long post, hoping it should help AGIMA and others to fix the problem with CTD lol
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