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Old 12-17-11, 10:11 AM   #6
Posts: n/a

For me game graphics are largely irrelevant so if Steel and Iron captures the essentials of WW1 naval combat better than Jutland it will be an improvement regardless of how ugly it might be on your screen. Not too difficult since with the SES offerings it is virtually impossible to replicate the historical factors that affected both sides in a reasonable manner.

If it's all about graphics, go with Jutland and enjoy.

I recently got the old Great Naval Battles series working in DOSBox without using the original CD-ROM's (my seldom used CD player has issues) and compared the features in the GNBNA campaign with the Jutland and DG campaigns. For all its flaws and chunky DOS graphics, the former has some really excellent features that the latter lack entirely. Things like the ability to shadow and set fleet speeds, both of which SES has made impossible to do.

However, the graphics vs. realistic-play debate is unsolvable and it seems rather odd that developers cannot seem to deliver both.
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