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Old 07-25-08, 06:36 PM   #197
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Krhmm... Adolf Gallands eight thesis on gunnery:

It is well known - from gun camera footage and combat reports - that a number of errors, with regard to aiming and shooting are made on a regular basis. It is likely, you have the same issues:
  1. You shoot from too far away.
  2. Your lead is wrong.
  3. You shoot from unfavorable positions
  4. Your coordination of the aircraft controls is not smooth enough
  5. You are not using the weapons control systems properly
  6. You rely on tracers for aiming
  7. Your aircraft and guns need proper adjustments.
  8. You are using inefficient ammunition load outs

MGs have different trajectory than cannons, and MG tracers have a different one than "normal" AP ammo.
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