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Old 06-14-06, 11:04 PM   #5
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by 79TransAm
I have always been interested in this game but i hear it is near impossiable to get used to the controls. How easy is it to get into this game? Is the flight model give you alot of options so you can ease your way into it?
Hey, I am NO fighter pilot,i don't know much about modern planes radar RWR and the likes of that. But I decided what the heck and jumped in at 100% realism, the flight model is alot more fogiving than say I-L2 because the computer is also making adjustments in the flight.

You can make the game a simple or as hard as you wish, you can easy into it with simplified radar and flight model, or do what I did and jump right into it, there are a number of options to set and match to your skill level, it is for hard-core and soft-core gamers alike.

As for learning the ropes, I've had the game since Thursday of last week, and I've pretty much got it down pat. There is a 716 page manual you can print off that covers EVERYTHING, ever single switch in the pit is listed and given detailed explanations to it. I printed off the section about Radar and read it before I went to bed and had a better understanding of what it is I had to do.

It is an AMAZING game the thing is it can be an interactive RTS game as well, you can create your own packages (flights) with thier own objective. When you select a mission you are given a Time of takeoff usally at least an hour away, i find myself sitting there watching all the fireworks, the blue planes flying in after the red planes. There are even some news videos about special events during the war, but i ahve not witnessed on of these yet.

If enemy bombers or fighters get near you base, a message pops on screen scrambling fighters to intercept you can chose to fight them off, you may win you might lose.

The game is hands down my favorite flight sim period, I got it for 35$ at Bestbuy, I recommend it to just about everyone here. You guys like pushing button, after i take off I'm looking through the pit find various switches to flip, on time I jettisoned all my stores (ie A-AM and A-GM)......another time I switched on the fuel dump......there are some many switches its mind boggling, there are like 6 diffrent A-A radar modes, that just for A-A<<<<<

From what i understand the radar modeled in the game is modeled after one of the older radars that have been "declassified" I don't know much more about it.

You HAVE to try this game, but don't believe me, look around for reviews, try they have a community review which pretty much sold me.
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