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Old 01-06-21, 08:20 PM   #2
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by CharYui View Post
Hi all, new around here and already have a bit of a tale to tell if you don't mind me telling it here that is. If people would like this moved elsewhere then I will certainly oblige.

Now down to the good stuff, now I know that your thinking sinking a destroyer while an accomplishment isn't that big of a deal. Here's the thing I didn't JUST sink her, I blew her out of the water, like 100 FEET out of the water!

So here I am playing SH4 no mods on my way to a patrol zone over by Hokkaido out of Pearl run into the usual assortment of patrols, planes, and even sunk a merchant along the way. That's a Japanese convoy almost runs right over me, Destroyers hadn't spotted me yet so I figured, "Ehh why not see if I can sink a ship." Unfortunately I missed my shot and annoyed the escort Destroyers which were out for blood, this is about May 42 and I don't have any acoustics so I decide to try and slink away.

But those Destroyers were particularly persistent and after a little cat and mouse, diving and surfacing, I start to get annoyed with these guys. Eventually one of the Destroyers spots my scope and starts making a bee line right at me full speed, I got practically a straight shot with my stern tubes so I let two torps fly. Now to reiterate I have a Destroyer barreling at me straight on and I practically let the torpedoes loose out of desperation not really thinking they are going to come close to hitting since my luck in that regard is frankly kind of crap.

Well to my surprise I manage to get a keel detonation off my torpedo, but what really surprised me is that the explosion sent the Destroyer AIRBORN!!! Like it became a bloody airplane for a second flying up in the air and rolling several times before splashing back down and sinking. To say my reaction was explosive was an understatement, I was laughing so hard I had to remind myself to put my sub back under as fast as possible.

Now please bare in mind that I have no mods, at least none that would do THAT of all things (running only radio add-ons at the moment). So that was a bit of a shock that made my day lemmie tell you folks, but has anyone else had that happen or something just so insane that you could hardly believe your eyes? If you have or think you have an explanation then please I open the floor to my fellow Sub Skippers, thanks for reading my ramblings and happy hunting folks!
Ahoy, CharYui...

Same SH... but somewhat different experience... let Me explain...

Came across a solo merchant, around the Hainan Island, figured out there base course &... ripped out ahead of them, this was mid late evening time, just starting to get dark... & light fog conditions to boot.

After getting a jump on them, rounded into setting up for a 90 degree angle of attack then settled in to let them come to Me.

Long story short, I pumped 1 torp into them, set for mag det... went off under them, split it into 2 in a huge fireball, aft end stayed rock steady YET... the fore section, flipped aft end over fore, into the air before it slammed back into the water, rocked back & forth for a bit then sank bow up...

At that time, was only modded out with the latest version of Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate, no other mods beyond that... think it was the version before v1.2 of it... or it may have been v1.2, has been some time back, so not sure...

Have to agree with you, it was mighty funny watching that happen...

M. M.

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