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Old 07-01-21, 03:38 AM   #1337
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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^ well this makes more sense than before
So it all is not your opinion, but what you believe are the refusniks' feelings (lol nice name b.t.w.). Yes i understand the instant urge to be against anything or anyone who wants to lecture me, even (or especially!) if that is obviously right.
Like putting a sign next to a lamp post with "You should not pee at this post", just wait what happens next.

But I do think something has to be done so the "refusniks" do no infect others, right, This is e.g. what a quarantine is for. If they do not see the necessity, if they do not understand, realize it, or just protest because they think democrats invented this virus hoax, screw them.
If people do not want to understand that robbing a bank, infecting others or generally hurt other people is not tolerated by law, in this case you put them into prison, and why the hell not? Because of THEIR freedom? What about mine? What about them hurting others?

Regarding aggressiveness i only remind you of anti vaxxer rallies and Taylor Greene, this is a) aggresssive and b) her sheer dumbness indeed gets on my nerves.

What makes you think President Donald J. Trump is an anti-vaxxer, did the leftist media tell you that
No, all media told me that, the left being concened, the right proud to be dumb.

"The anti-vaccine message may have found a particularly receptive audience among some fervent Trump supporters, many of whom flout wearing masks and contend the lethality of the virus is overblown.
"It's marketing at a basic sales level," said Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which has analyzed the strategies of anti-vaccine advocates. "Conspiracism that allows you to connect anything together if you want to, because it doesn't require fact."
Contrary to the statements of vaccine critics, the two vaccines authorized for emergency use by the US Food and Drug Administration have been shown to be safe and effective."

Just read it, very good article of how things are, and why.

Of course Trump had to do something, to show leadership actively doing some.thing. Like forbidding travel or visits, how long do you think they would have let him in charge without him reacting to the pandemic? But he did it late and because (imho) he had to, not because of real insight. He never publicly supported the scientific "point of view" (what others call truth or at least a reasonable handling), which is why his followers still feel assured with their view that it was all a hoax and all those other conspiracy theories.

But then it does not matter what he said yesterday, or today, because a day later he said something contradicting all he said before, when it suited him. Supporters picking what suited them best and willingly ignored all else he said. But then this is how you get a majority, obviously.
He followed reason and science as long as it would get him supporters and would make him look better, it never was about "you" or "the people". When Trump felt threatened by Fauci's obvious degree of esteem in the media, he tried to block him.
"Science", especially bureaucrats like Fauci were wrong or reversed themselves so many times that anything they say just cannot be believed at all but you want me to blame Trump who was just repeating what he was being told by the so called experts? Amazing.
"The so-called experts"? like "Fauci was wrong"? "Bureaucrats like Fauci", you might even say unelected bureaucrats, like Farage? Fauci is an intelligent man, believing in reason and science, dedicated to his lifelong cause of protecting, inventing vaccines and understanding diseases to fight them. Painting him as a "traitor" and a "bureaucrat" because he cares more for people than for politics and the economy, can really only be thought out by the lowest proponents of mankind.
You are the one who is trying to put people in Covid Concentration Camps for being unwilling to, as I put it, take a rushed into production, barely tested drug that they have absolutely no legal redress for if it turns out to be harmful, or for that matter, useless as has been reported in some cases already.
No i am not the one wanting to put them into c. camps, this is an invention of your fantasy. Godwin much? I said they should have been put in quarantine or fined, not concentration camps. The rest, just wow.
If you are not vaccinated yet and you fear getting the disease from a Refusnik, your cat, or in any other way, then just stay home until it's your turn to get the shot. [...] you have to admit it would be much more effective and easier than trying to tear the nation apart by forcing it on everyone.
Wasn't it expresident Trump who tore up the nation? Why didn't he support wearing masks for all, why did he try to play down the pandemic as "the flu" which will be "gone in summer"? Why was he constantly trying to arouse people of all sides against each other?
And, one moment: I did stay at home. Your Trump supporters did not, they made rallies into villages, organised multispreader events and behaved like uneducated children just to show.. what? How FREE they are?
Trump wanted to reopen the economy asap, and no one was forced to stay at home, instead all deniers were FREE to walk around. What do you want to say? So you tell me i was right and they were wrong? Fine.

Why does anyone here or in the US have to "accept a doctor's not[e] in place of a vaccine card"?
Huh? We get vaccine cards here, indeed there are vaccine passes for all if they bother to have one. Most do.
So there is an illegal black market for vaccine fake cards or passes. Must be the fault of the democrats? Fauci? The EU?

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 07-01-21 at 06:42 AM.
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