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Old 03-07-12, 04:17 PM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Sandusky, Ohio
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I had this mission... It was pretty easy given a lot of preparation. They told me of the destination(dubayy) and the number of days till the convoys arrival. So instead of going toward the convoy I headed toward the destination at a good pace, maybe even flank speed for quite a while. To get to the port they have to pass through the Gulf of Oman into the Persian Gulf... and there is a choke point between the two... So I positioned myself at the narrowest point in the center at a location that still gave me a good depth to dive to safety... then I waited. Eventually they were within sonar range... using my pencil I was able to mark the positions of the convoy and draw out their path... I put myself in alignment for a great shot and waited, when they were close I raised my periscope. There were two ships that were my targets(big red stars on the boats on the nav map)... can't remember the boat's type name off hand, but they were huge 35kish Kind Edward battleships or something along those lines. I was in the perfect place for a shot. My patience, placement, and measurements had worked out perfectly.

I don't usually save for a specific encounter, but I knew this would be fun later if I wanted to replay and mess around...

FYI, in the mission you only have to sink one marked ship, not the whole convoy or all of the designated ships. That would be impossible given their size and speed. The timing was in the darkness of night, thankfully. I set my four steam torpedoes to go right under the ship and travel at high speed to keep them from avoiding the spread. I shot and connected, but the hits were not enough to slow it down below the 20ish knots pace and it continued with me having no chance to reload and go for a follow up, not to mention the escorts... The torpedoes didn't hit where I needed them to, so he got away...

It was a lot of build up for that... so I reloaded... same exact situation, except this time the torpedoes hit in the right places disabling the props and even though I went deep to safely reload it was not needed... before I reloaded and resurfaced the vessel capsized and my mission was accomplished.

So, I didn't find the mission difficult, but there is some luck involved in getting the torpedoes where you need them to disable or down the ship and with only 4 bow torpedoes you have to make them count on a ship of that size.
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