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Old 08-02-21, 06:07 PM   #1
Kpt. Weyprecht
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Default Here we go again! And some old questions on plotting and Maneuvering boards

I've been far from virtual submarinning for years anj just jumped back into the old rabbithole. Frankly, I'm glad to be back here.

Now, I've always been an eternal newbie, between ailing computers, system crashes and RL work, I've actually spent more time reading naval manuales than playing the sim. But fot the moment, Proton works good enough and I can fire both Silent Hunters on my working laptop, although SHIII only works without H.sie's or Stiebler's patches.
At the same time, I dusted off some of the old reading stuff. These are things I was wondering about since my last time in SH.

I read through the ols US Navy manual on plotting, but then realized German subs (or British ones for that matter) didn't have a DRT. Ben Bryant insists on Royal Navy's distrust of gyrocompass. So how could a world-centric plot be accurate enough to put torpedos in a terget while navigational errors were sometimes massive?

I know Wolfpack pages feature several methods for plotting turning radiuses and inertia. But even in Wolfpack, dead reckoning is only required when submerged. On top of it, actual manuals don't seem to linger on that aspect. I finally tracked down most of the techniques for accounting of the advance and translation to the Admiralty manual of 1938, but that is meant for groups of surface ships, not for fire control. Here I fond an example of an exercice plot made by a French submariner in 1968: the submarine's changes of track as just squared... but I hope by then they had a proper DRT:
A good solution seems to be the maneuvering board. Back in the day I used Aaronblood's MoBo (sadly it doesn't run under Wine) and I will probably end up ordering a pad of paper boards. But they actually aren't mentioned that often, I'm not sure they were used by other navies. Even Dick O'Kane mentions it as "old fashioned" in Clear the Bridge, I failed to find anything on this technique in French, aside from radar plot exercices, or German. I did notice a moboard in the footage from the control room of the Delta III class Russian SSBN.

So... did they just use MoBoards? Or routinely accounted for inertia and turning radiuses (but then, what about currents and so on?) Or just considered that error induced was not important enough and avearged out somehow?

Oh, by the way, I was intrigued to find this:

The table(s) 3-5 are "Submarine Course and Speed Diagrams". I'm almost sure this could be of use but I can't see what to actually do with it... _
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