Thread: Design a tank!
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Old 03-30-11, 12:18 AM   #3
Lucky Sailor
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Well, I haven't played any other sims, but I know how the subbers are for their sims (I played a WWII surface ship game once, Midway something or other. VERY Arcadish, hated it), so I can empathize with you guys.

But if you view this game as a FPS while trying to use historical tanks, then it appears in a different light. I've played almost a thousand matches in the few weeks I've had it, and I'm hooked.

The artillery part of the game is ridiculous when compared to real life. I don't know actual ranges, but I'm pretty damn sure they had effective ranges over 1km. And the god's eye view is totally unrealistic. But for a fast paced FPS style, it fits right in.

And as a MMOFPS, I think they're going in the right direction. Look how few actual sims are out there. Why? Cause the majority of people find them boring. Maybe their not the thing for you, but if you want some fast paced action, with a lot of different vehicles to try out, it's a fun game.

Now as I said, I haven't played any of the sims yet, but I'm itching to. It's just not in the cards financially though right now. So feel free to point out any of the dozens of glaring issues with the game.
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