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Old 01-03-12, 08:32 AM   #3936
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U47 - Lt.z.S. Willi Hartmann - Sept. 1939 042137 - in the Southern approches to Scapa Flow

I have been out of business for some time and decided to start a new career from the start of the war, running XXI's out of Bergen was getting sort of boring. This time I am going to work in a more realistic (careful) manner than before - my reality percentage is, as it has always been, 74%.

The first station was to be in the vicinity of the Rockalls. Being given the U-47 (Saltzwedel flotilla) the "careful" went right out of the window, so to speak. We are now in the Southern Approaches to Scapa Flow. First, I decided just to go between Scotland and the Scapas on the way to our station. After all, war was not declared between England and Germany when we left Wilhelmshafen on the 1st. Having reached the Straits it was.

The area crawled with guard vessels and one A&B and V&W unknowingly came into our sights. As the weather deteriorated and night approached we backtracked out into the North Sea for reloading and battery charging.

We then went NorthWest again. As we approached the Straits we went below and proceeded with lowest speed - silent. Just before starting our final entry into the Scapa a J&K could just be observed in the periscope, crossing aft of us at 400 meters distance. That it was not detected earlier must be because of our inexperienced sonar operators. The officer of the watch acted immediately and a stern shot with a fast T1 hit it aft.

We are now proceeding into Scapa Flow.

U47 - Lt.z.S. Willi Hartmann - Sept. 1939 052136 - in the North Sea

Scapa was a disappointment. Only ships present were a destroyer and a troop ship at anchor. The destroyer sunk after one torpedo and the troop ship was also hit by one, the next one obviously exploding in a net barrier. We continued into the port, turned north of the troopship and gave it one from the other side. As it was I did not take the risk to stay and observe it sink but took a westerly course along the Northern shore, all the time submerged.

When turning south to get out of this dangerous place we suddenly hit on two anchored Tribals. Both were hit with T1's at magnetic. The first started to burn but had seeminly no intentions of sinking, the other one sunk only very gradually. I did not take my time to stay to have the sinkings verified as an Elco PT also materialized on the scene.

The departing from the Scapa was uneventful. We are now in the North Sea - headed for Wilhelmshafen. With one aft torp left for self-defense and a very inexperienced crew I shall be glad to get back in one piece.

The next patrol I shall be more careful. Or maybe it's Scapa again...
__________________ - look in to see my new book on Operation Sea Lion
"Saving MacArthur" - a book series on how The Philippines were saved

Last edited by Leandros; 01-03-12 at 01:02 PM.
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