Thread: [TEC] [Question} zon.cfg
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Old 05-27-21, 01:12 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
Firstly, Zones.cfg is used universally and not just for one set of boats.
Secondly prior to firstly, i suspect that there is slag from SH3 in that file.
not every Zone will be represented in every boat in SH4. your questions.
[AttackCenter] is Zone 192, so look for ExternalDamageZoneTypeID3D=192 in a Boat.upc file and that will tell you whether it is used or not used.
CreepEngine1 & 2 are Zones 145 and 146, respectively. Same drill as above: find a boat with an ExternalDamageZoneTypeID3D=145 or 146 and you have your answer as to where they are located.
personally, i would steer clear of CreepEngines. I suspect that the FBI will have those monitored.

Thanks, will look that up. My understanding, as was explained to me some time ago is that some equipment is applicable to the player boats only. Since at it's core SH 4 is basically SH 3 and the fleetboats are actually imported uboats dressed up as fleetboats, thus why we only actually have two diesels and some of the equipment in zon.cfg is labeled as uboat but does cover all subs. There are different sections in the file for merchants batteships etc. They don't share same rudder with player subs for example. Thus why player rudder, which used to be an issue with players often losing it in combat and then can't steer home since do not have independent engines, ruined a lot of good patrols. So rudder is practically indestructible now. Which is fine.

Other hand, the stern and bow tubes (Especially stern) were nearly always getting destroyed in 1944 on once the more powerful type 2 charges are deployed. Well in the zon.cfg the bow and stern tubes hit points were at 50 with armor level of 1 and set to destructible. I raised them to 75, issue solved. Still get damaged and sometimes destroyed, but not a constant thing on every attack by enemy depth charges. Also see where can adjust flooding time in the file for compartments, may tinker with that some.

Also, to work in conjunction with my revamping of depth charges, to make it where what kills player sub is overwhelming amount damage to boats (typically what caused sub losses to depth charges) systems which caused to lost depth control etc instead of the magic killing blow a lot of equipment that was barely ever touched is now more vulnerable to damage or destruction. If I can adjust the flooding etc right and figure out how to make water pump out at a better rate, can ditch the special abilities engineer. Only reason keep him is if taking on water, the regular dc without him repairs way too slow, player ends up with crazy flooding every time. With him, get flooding but unless severely damage gets it under control in situations where a trained crew would most likely be able to. I do it have so he is only active is placed on the DC team, so when needed can place him there, when not remove so his magic ability to repair everything even if wrecked is not active.
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