Thread: What are they?
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Old 07-28-20, 03:44 PM   #3
Mad Mardigan
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SHO Re: SH4 Uboat mods...

Glad to know the guide I sorta kinda threw together on a spur of the moment, helped. Is gratifying to know it did.

Ok, to add to what KaleunMarco outlined, thus far...

Operation Monsun, was crafted by lurker, as an answer to a more.. robust uboat career than the more heavily crafted u.s. sub skipper one, included in the original, vanilla unmodded SH4 base version. lurker, outlined of not being able to successfully arrange it so as to do boat progression. (I say this from a side prospective, having never seriously having gotten into modding much, beyond small tweak stuff... and with a heavy dose of respect for mega mod makers, to boot. I'm more of a user of such items... I do have some older 1st hand knowledge of things involved with modding, as it were.. that is by now, out of date compared to nowadays.. but believe that certain factors, still hold true. A misplaced period, comma, semi colon, will muck things up & can end with various end results from weird visual effects to all out crash to desktop, the bane for all of us mod users.)

That aside, Operation Monsun, gave the SH4 player, the ability to play it in a more SH3'ish feel to it. For Me, it's SH3 version 2.0 on steroids... with much better graphic'ing, to be frank.

Fifi, took & upgraded what lurker built on, going forward... & very much added to it.

This of course, was just the start of improvements for Operation Monsun, at this stage in the scheme of it all, became known of as: ''Operation Monsun: Enhanced''.

Fast forward to now, Fifi, not satisfied, further enhanced his addition to Operation Monsun with bringing out Operation Monsun: Dark Waters, working through it to the latest version of it which at last check, was v6.0

Overall, Operation Monsun: Dark Waters, is a inclusion to the line up of mega's, that adds to the overall enjoyment of SH4, in My opinion... as well as Fall of the Rising Sun: Ultimate English version is & the overlooked ability to play as a Brit sub skipper, namely 'We dive at Dawn'.

There was work begun on a IJN version, that has been no further word on, so no clear cut idea of where that stands as of now. Last I heard, was that there were plans to invest some time into work on it, after FotRS. To be frank, this 1, while highly anticipated by Me (can only speak for Myself here.. ) would be more of a shorter work, than either Operation Monsun: Dark Waters & FotRS, considering that IJN, did not really make much use of their subs, as did the German , the U.S. or the Royal Navy military did.

Hope this helps with having a better understanding of what the differences are between the original mod, Operation Monsun & the follow up's to it.

M. M.

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