Thread: Breakdown Mod
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Old 07-27-19, 11:24 AM   #3
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Harpoon and War in the Pacific:Admiral's Edition are the only games that I have, and can recall, that simulate maintenance and breakdowns to any degree.

I liked that, for an example, in Harpoon if you used radar too much the equipment would be much more likely to break or be put off line more often and for longer periods for maintenance.

In WitP:AE ships systems (sensors, weapons, propulsion, etc) incrementally and cumulatively lose small percentages of their effectiveness the longer they're transiting or on patrol, if they see any increased use, or even if they go through very rough weather. Invigorated use (combat, a day or two of rapid transit at full speed, etc) sees this effect multiplied.

That's the thing about going underway, something always breaks or has to be torn apart for upkeep. Military vessels in particular, of any size or capability, are extremely maintenance intensive. Most people really have no idea what it's like. It's one of the reasons why military vessels have such large crews.

I would have loved to see this done for SHIV. Especially for the early diesel-electric powerplants in the Porpoises, and early electronic sensors. Though it's understandable why the devs steered away from this. Not only for the potential frustration it might induce but also in the inherent difficulty of correctly developing and implementing such eventualities.
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