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Old 11-03-19, 10:58 AM   #103
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This tv show was really terrible. The first couple of episodes I was on board, I had presumed the parts set in La Rochelle were just window dressing to create an on-shore connection with the crew.. I thought swapping the experienced well loved commander with a newbie would be a sort of journey where the commander slowly but surely brings his crew together and becomes the respected veteran over time.

Instead what do we get, insubordination? questioning of the Captain and orders from the BdU? mutiny?!... on a U-Boat? I looked it up there are no historical examples of this, the closest historical event that could have vaguely influenced the show is the denouncement of Oskar-Heinz Kusch.

And that's just for the sections on the boat 60% - 80% of the later episodes is set entirely in La Rochelle following some far fetched SJW resistance plot line that's only vaguely connected to the boat, and again has little if any historical precedence.

The Captain who is the sole survivor of his U-Boat sinking has some historical precedence in Klaus Bargsten of U-521. The idea of swapping him at all (unless he was very well connected) for a civilian, rather than a Spy as would be customary is ridiculous.

As for the deposed Captain arriving in New York, there is no way on earth he wouldn't be a POW. Hopefully it will get cancelled before they do further damage to the Das Boot brand. Loads of people will probably think this is representative of the original or the novel now, let alone actual U-Boats from WWII!
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