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Old 11-16-22, 05:18 AM   #235
The Old Man
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Default U.A.K., 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.) and 22nd U-Flotilla, Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 15 November 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


Allied forces capture Derna, Libya, along with the nearby Martuba airfield, which immediately becomes the new forward base for conducting air operations.

British troops capture Tebarka, Tunisia and American paratroopers capture Youks-les-Bains, Algeria.

In Britain, church bells ring for the first time since Jun 1940 to celebrate Montgomery's British 8th Army's victory at El Alamein, Egypt

Situation report - Moroccan Coast:

U 173 (Oblt. Hans-Adolf Schweichel) - harbor of Fedala empty. 3 freighters beached in Bouznicha Roads (U 130). Cruiser with screen entered Casablanca on 14 November. On 15 November a heavily protected convoy sailed over DJ 2259, 2326 and 5519. Battle group consisted of 2 battleships, 1 carrier and 2 transports. Daily sea and air patrols off Casablanca Roads in 25 - 30 meter area. Periodic locations during the night. Hit scored on passenger steamer with air cover. 6,000 tons, course 225°, speed 15 knots.

U 218 (VIID; Kptlt. Richard Becker) was picked up by destroyer while attacking the carrier escort. Due to heavy air and surface depth charging she was damaged and ordered home.

U 510 (Korvkpt. Karl Neitzel) sighted a battleship in DJ 2173 also carriers, transports and 10 destroyers, course W., medium speed. 3 misses on battleship from extreme range. Heavy air patrols. Pursuit was without success.

U 752 (Kptlt. Karl-Ernst Schroeter) damaged by depth charges in DJ 2192.

U 509 (KrvKpt. Werner Witte) forced to submerge (on 14 and 15 November in DJ 2250 and 2220) during the day by aircraft. Heavy air and sea depth charging due to oil track. Forced to sheer off at night by patrol vessel. Damage negligible.

U 511 (Kptlt. Friedrich Steinhoff) Agidir Roads clear on 14 November, no patrols. Nothing seen off Mogador 15 November.

U 572 (Kptlt. Heinz Hirsacker) made off from land because of faulty Radar Interception gear. Boat ordered to return because of depleted fuel supply.

U 130 (KrvKpt. Ernst Kals) sighted patrol craft off Mehdia Roads.

The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal ends in the early hours of the day, with the Americans fighting off the Japanese attack with effective use of radar; four surviving Japanese transport sare able to accomplish their missions by delivering 2,000 troops to Guadalcanal, albeit without most of their heavy equipment.

US battleship Washington sinks Japanese battleship Kirishima by gunfire off Savo Island in the Solomon Islands.

U 648 (Oblt.z.S.d.R. Peter-Arthur Stahl) continues with exercises on the Elbe river in Hamburg.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115

Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 16 November 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


Georg von Bismarck is promoted to the rank of Generalleutnant posthumously.

Oberfeldwebel Karl Lipp of the German Kampfgeschwader 55 wing is awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.

Situation report - Moroccan Coast and Gibraltar area:

Coast of Morocco:
Boats operated first off Fedala, Casablanca and Fedala, the principle enemy landing place. Boats ordered to make for shallow waters just off the coast and attack shipping entering the harbors. The attack conditions (shallow water, heavy air and sea patrols with destroyer and land detection gear) made stationary positions just off the harbor untenable. Only quick thrusts by day or night were possible, followed by a quick withdrawal to deeper water.
On 11 November U 173 attacked a heavily guarded convoy off Casablanca harbor and scored 3 hits. On 12 November U 130 sank 3 freighters in Fedala Roads and reported about 20 freighters near the harbor.
While operating in shallow water near Casablanca during the night of 13 November U 509 reported a mine explosion. Since a minefield N. of Casablanca is unlikely and since good opportunities were available only just off Casablanca boats received orders to operate in their designated positions.
At the time of the next strike on 13 November no movements were seen off Casablanca and Fedala up to the 100 meter line and no ships were to be found in the Roads. Survey of the harbor of Safi on 12 November revealed no ships either in harbor or in the Roads, although there was a strong destroyer screen round the harbor.
On 15 November U 173 reported an outgoing group consisting of 1 carrier, 2 battleships and transports in DJ 2273 on course 30° high speed. Adir - Mogador and Mehdia Roads were proved to be empty offering no chance of success.
Overall situation on 16 November:
Landing operations finished in the West between 11 and 13 November. Attacks possible on 11 and 12 November only on ships at anchor in Fedala Roads. After the harbor of Casablanca and other small harbors were taken, only incoming and outgoing convoys offered targets. Attacks on these convoys would necessitate operations of boats in less than 50 meters of water. It is impossible to stay in this depth for any length of time because of the heavy destroyer and air patrols.
: Placement of boats somewhat removed from land in deep water. As far as possible according to numbers to join boats to Gibraltar area patrols so that a virtual blockade of the harbor of Casablanca is imposed. Strikes were possible near land in order to control harbors and roads.

Gibraltar area:
Due to heavy air and sea patrols in the sector west of Gibraltar we can reckon on no daylight attacks and only small night attacks. Placement must therefore be made in deepest water possible (depending on the number of boats). Boats will be placed in checkerboard fashion completely plastering the area, so that at least one boat will be in firing position either by day or by night. The 16 boats so disposed will be insufficient for the accomplishment of this task since the area between the boats are so great that convoys can move to and fro without being sighted by the boats.
12 November - 1 Birmingham class cruiser and 1 destroyer sunk.
14 November - 3 torpedo hits on 3 large transports in CG 8665, course W.
16 November - ship sailing alone sunk (12,000 T) in CG 9457 course 300°.
Therefore no success against supply convoys.

In the same area from 12 - 16 November 11 attacks by English aircraft in the Gibraltar and Morocco area. U-boat reported "Very heavy air and destroyer patrols, aircraft and surface vessels depth charges". A number of boats report damage by aircraft (U 509 - 752 - 218 - 108).
U 218 returning to port since operations of boats close to land will become increasingly more dangerous. With the brightening of the moon a move to the west is imperative.

U 648 (Oblt.z.S.d.R. Peter-Arthur Stahl) concludes exercises on the Elbe river in Hamburg.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115

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