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Old 09-01-07, 09:48 AM   #33
Ace of the Deep
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cheers for the info Montbrun!

hey could you post the contents of your CAMPAIGNDATA.txt file found in
the SPEIL or main ROOT folder of the game?

and maybe also the contents of the MISSIONSTEXT folder ?
these give other mission briefings..

just open it with notepad or double click it and it will automatically open in contains the breifings and descriptions for the campaign (it's just full of text) copy and paste the contents here would that be ok?:hmm:
then i can have the breifings et al in english..if thats ok?

he he that lock targeting i've finaly discovered that my self...took me a while...i must admit tho that you don't actualy have to use it fact you can switch it off in the periscope you can't lock whilst submerged (or at least that seems to be how it works here for me..i can lock a target thru the binoculars then dive and it stays locked ..the torps then suto adjust for the target as with other games..but with the options i have set (hard to tell somtimes ) the lock didn't appear possible from the scope room view...the tell tale information text didn't appear...tho i'm sure i've seen it fromthe scope view at some point so maybe it is an option..either way you don't actual have to use it and can i think switch it of..

funnily i DO get the target recticule for the machine gun tho not for the deck gun...and the line drawing function on the map screen seems to work ok for me..

for the binocular and bridge view and the MG view you can "right click" on screen to get the mouse control of the view..this also removes the task bar at the bottom..then you ca scroll the binocular zoom with the mouse mouse wheel option on the map room as you say..

was just thinking about the save game thing...your right no save at all..but the patrols are fairly brief and the time excell works effectively so it is fairly do-able without the save..still would have been nice...

do you see the targeting "map" on screen when your at the deck gun station that seems to take the place of the targeting reticule for that function...reckon it's a very nice way to do it..
i agree about the restricted warfare too..i would have loved to have had the ability to chase down a merchant and order the crew to scuttle the ship as was the way of things early on..or similar...

i'm hoping to take a look at the campaign and other game data file files to reckon out changing some of the details...

the trick with the being spotted too easily (usualy around 4 to 6 km surfaced in clear weather) is to dive and experiment with the scope height...there is usualy a point at which you CAN see the ships thru the scope but they cannot see you...but of course at this point you cannot use the auto lock must aim manualy...

there ARE all the torp speed AOB- depth speed- options available for full manual targeting

the thing is here ( and i like the way it works out gameplay wise)

you can balance the auto targeting against the manual-- as the auto targeting requires the scope to be high enough out of the water for the enemy to actualy spot it quite quickly --so it isn't neccesarily the best way to go...
what you CAN do tho is to pop the scope up briefly to register the ship on the map/scope view map scrren then drop it back down to just breaking the you can just catch glimpses of the vessel as it approaches...
of course the data on the map soon decays and vanaishes and any lock you have will decay along with it...but it gets you close enough to fine tune the settings by hand..

as the subs are very fragile and have very limited depth...i have found that so far at least any semi accurate depth charge attack has been the end of me pretty much straight not getting spotted is key...also found it a nice touch that when surprised by an escort on my last patrol ..i over did the emergency dive and hit the bottom (was very shallow water...)
i could not move or start the engines untill i had lifted the boat of the bottom with a blow ballast command...which i had to quickly counterman with a "set depth" command to prevent me surfacing and getting nailed by the warships nearby
happened before this efefct so it is something worth noting...some nice details to the physics..

if your interested i made a voice pack for the game so you don't feel quite so alone in the sub,,

here's the link again (if you missed it)
the world's tinyiest sh3 supermod-
and other SH3/SH2 stuff

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.


Last edited by CB..; 09-01-07 at 10:09 AM.
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