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Old 11-24-08, 05:32 PM   #24
Lucky Jack
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Dear Mum
Guess what? Back in hospital again! I know, I know, I've always been clumsy but this one really wasn't my fault...ok...maybe it was a little, but I stray ahead of myself!
The squadron was full today, and a new American pilot joined us called Cobra, he took a Blennie with Raptor and joined Fin over Frankfurt way, with Fin being the only Spitfire in the whole of Belgium it would seem.
Us Hurricanes, on the other hand, Hunter, Kratos, Task force and me decided to follow our nose and join Fin in his battle against the inevitable 109s.
I was somewhere in the back of the formation for a change, and started rather disorientated, like my world was upside down. Soon corrected myself and we took off. Hunter spotted two contacts, nice juicey Ju-52s, I took a burst into one and he went down, I'm not sure who out of our Hurris got the other. Raptor got attacked, we think by 109s, he got away but his aircraft wasn't feeling right, he suspected rudder damage. I spotted him from a distance fighting off a 109 and came in to protect him as he RTB'd. He asked me to take a look at his rudder, so I swung in behind and slowly crept up to his wing to take a look, and was able to confirm his fears that he had no rudder. He managed to land it though! As did Cobra, and I came in behind them, meanwhile, Taskforce, Hunter and Fin were grabbling with 109s far in the distance, Hunter was taken down, but I dare say he'll be back, nothing keeps him down for long. Kratos soon joined him.
As I was circling around our airfield waiting to land, I heard gunfire and saw explosions near our runway, I landed and then had a look around, and Mum, some cheeky Jerry had put an artillery piece on the crest of a hill no more than half a mile away and was shooting at the airfield! The cheek of it all!
Once I'd spotted the culprit, I turned my engine back on and took off from the taxi-way, determined to teach that Hun a lesson in battlefield manners. Unfortunately I tried to maneuver just a little too soon after take-off, stalled and came back to earth with a large bump.
So, I'm back with Marie again, sadly we can't go to Bastogne...ruddy Jerries have got it. Still, I'm sure we'll push them back again! They'll never get into France!
Hope things are well your end.

What the?

Scratch two Goring carriers!

Rudder-less Raptor

Rudder-less Raptor makes it down!

Cheeky Jerry-swine!! Gotta admit...they don't look like German uniforms though... :hmm:

Rudder-less Raptor back at base

Last edited by Oberon; 11-24-08 at 05:35 PM.
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