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Old 09-11-10, 02:09 AM   #1578
Weiss Pinguin
Ocean Warrior
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Auburn, Alabama
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October 10, 1940

Attacked a convoy heading north in the southeast corner of AM48, easily slipped past the green escorts, positioned myself to the front right of the convoy, and let it come to me. So far so good, even spotted a Dido-class in the middle stack, after maneuvering into my 'final approach.' Solutions set up on the Dido and the remaining two eels are aimed at a fast freighter farther ahead.... Finally, Los!

Almost immediately a small freighter right in front of me goes up - so much for that fast freighter. But the two G7e's aimed at the Dido continue on... and pass underneath the cruiser harmlessly. I check the depths again, all is correct - of course both electrics would be duds. I quickly try to maneuver my tailpipe into position, and setup the aft tube (a steamer) for another keel shot. Before I send it off I check everything, but it's not until I've fired it off that I notice the pistol was set to impact. The torpedo passes underneath as harmlessly as the other two. Checking the other tubes, I realize all had been set to impact. (I think of my mods restricts the firing pistol to impact early war) Cue major headbanging as I dive to 120 meters and reload one tube for another go at the Dido, this time set to run at 2 meters. 12 very long minutes later I come up to periscope depth as quickly as possible, and fire off a snapshot at the cruiser, before I'm forced to dive again by the destroyer coming up my [aft].

Almost immediately after the torpedo hits (somewhere under the forward turret) she goes down, and I give the escorts the slip after about an hour of creeping.

Now I'm running parallel to the convoy, reloading my tubes while I wait for sunrise. Should be a good day
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