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Old 06-03-14, 02:56 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Sjizzle View Post
i am not sure what u mean here ...
if ppl use the chart like they are there is no problem with them, if they edit the UserChart file having no clue about what they do.... what can i make ?
and the chart mod is user friendly
Hi Sjizzle,

You've quoted only a portion of what I said, which loses context without the whole text.

I had written:

Originally Posted by 7Infanterie19 View Post

Sjizzle, maybe it would be a good idea to add that to your OP along with any little things people need to know, or you can cross reference TDW's thread where it says that (which I can't find, frankly). You can also add something along the lines that you just added the charts and that if anyone wants to know how to use them, they can search the forums. That should save you headaches.

On the other hand, you can post links to threads in your OP that refer to the tools you have in your mod, so that people can easily reference them, something like sober does in his mega mod thread. That should save you headaches too.

Anything to make a mod more user friendly goes a long way in bringing people to using it. Without mentioning any names, there are mods out there without enough information. It's like "here you go. figure it out yourself.", which leads to a million repetitive posts.

At the end of the day, it's up to you.

I'll try to clarify if I can. I was suggesting that because some people (including me now) aren't sure how some tools work, maybe it would be a good idea to add links to where the tools you included came from to make it easier for people to find out what the tools do and how to use them if it isn't easy for us to figure out. For me, some charts as they stand are obvious, such as the flags or Beaufort reference charts for example, but something like the gegnerfahrt speed assessment chart or the maneuvering and time boards tools are not. So technically, using them as they are is indeed not a problem for those who actually know what the tools do and how to use them, but is a problem for people like me or mainexpress, for example, who don't know how to use some of these tools. Adding links would definitely make things "more" user friendly, because people wouldn't need to do their own individual searches for things, sometimes being unsuccessful at finding them as I was in regards to the mouse scrolling that you said was in TDWs UI. Does that all make sense?

So with that in mind, IMO, there's always room for improvement.

TDW added these charts to UIs v740, but if it wasn't for you adding your charts mod, I wouldn't even have known that they existed and would have missed out on a great mod addition (thank you!). It looks like he provided the charts addition to have room for easy modification or for the addition of our own charts, as you had done. Most people should have no problems editing a chart file to move things around or to add things, since it's pretty straight forward, especially if they use the existing chart info within the files as reference. And if they still don't have a clue, it's easy for someone else to explain it to them if they need that help.

In your OP, you wrote "if u have any questions feel free to ask". I'm only asking as others have, and trying to help improve things through providing suggestions as well. I hope you don't feel that I'm stepping on your toes. If you do, I apologize.

Have a good one
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