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Old 10-16-21, 09:19 AM   #46
Ace of the Deep
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Not sure why I keep posting, this thread's about mods, of which I'm using none. But it IS about Fallout, and I've been playing a hell of a lot of Fallout over the past few months. I played FO4 to level 76 as mentioned above, and then decided to return to New Vegas after eight years away. Found the cloud had my saves from 2013 and I picked up where I left off, at level 17.

Now I'm level 39, and I bought all of the DLC, and finished Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts, and now intend to dive in to Old World Blues. Playing on Hardcore mode.

While FNV may show it's age graphically, the underlying game is still great, and I'm having a good time with it. The DLC each add 5 to the level cap, and having them all raises it to 50, allowing me to build a stronger character than I ever could before with the vanilla cap at 30.

Fallout 4 is a fantastic game, I really like it. But it took a return to New Vegas to see how much it has changed. When I decided to belatedly give FO4 a go, I read some comments about how FO4 is a great game, but not a great Fallout game. I can't agree completely -- FO4 has enough of the Fallout soul to be a worthy installment in the franchise -- but there is some truth to it. The simple fact is FO4 is a shooter with RPG elements. New Vegas is a RPG. FNV is simply a deeper game, in terms of dialog, choice, build options, systems and mechanics. It's the Fallout game we would expect from a studio like Obsidian.

When I was playing FO4 I made a comment on a different forum about how striking it was there are so few skill checks in that game. Fallout needs skill checks everywhere, and FNV has them in spades. I see more skill checks in one random conversation than I saw in 300 hours of Fallout 4.

Things like this make the build path feel like it has more consequence. The skills system makes the build feel more specialized, there is simply more latitude than FO4. Perks are endless, but only available every other level.

By level 50 perhaps this has converged somewhat, enough points by this stage to have nearly all of the skills maxed, but the journey to this point is a more pure RPG experience that I prefer.

I'll give OWB a go, and maybe finish up with Dead Money before heading off to Hoover dam and the end of the game. It's been fun returning to this game after so much time. I always remembered it fondly, and spoke highly of it, but the details had faded. It's been fun to rediscover it after so much time had passed. It's still a great game.
What? Behind the rabbit?
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