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Old 08-06-20, 06:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Ok, to begin with...

SH4, IS NOT NOW, nor ever will be a hot mess like as with SH5. No, it is not buggy, though there is some things needed to know to ensure a smooth as possible game play experience, over all.

1. Do NOT install it in either C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)... EVER... instead, see of setting up your own folder, tagged as such:


In this folder, set up your clean copy of SH4... and run it only as needed to allow the set up to finish...

Once this is done.. Never, ever mod it. EVER. This will & shall be the master copy of it, to use to make clean copies from that you can mod, after setting them up independent of the Master copy.

That said, then set up another folder in C:\Games\

& name it whatever mod flavor you wish to use.. such as 'Operation-Monsun: Dark-Waters' (this is a SH3 variation for SH4, on steroids & looks better, to be frank..)

or FotRS-U-EN (if you are so inclined to run a sub as a U.S. skipper...)

I do have a set up guide, that goes more into detail of setting up & can be found here:

I use Steam, as My source for SH4 & as best I can say.. set up using disk as your medium of install, should be similar enough to use it for that means of access. As for Ubiscrew... erhm... *cough.. cough... I mean Ubisoft aka Uplay... is a different critter & I had no success in setting up multi copying from them, as a source... hopefully someone on here, may know of a successful means to do so, from them.

Now for the grand prize question...

Do you need mods to play SH4.. If you're content to just play it as it is, out of the box... then No... the mods I've named but a few of, do enhance the playability of SH4... but, ultimately... only you can decide to play it straight out of the box, with that new sub smell... or mod it up some... the choice.. is yours.

Is there a steep learning curve... Nope If you've played SH3 before, it's relatively similar in certain aspects, with regards to keyboard commands... for the most part. In short, relatively simple to play right off the rip...

Hope this helps...

Fair winds, smooth seas.. and plentiful hunting.

M. M.

I'm hijacking this thread a bit but I wanted to ask why I shouldn't mod the original installation? In the worst case scenario can't I just delete the folder and reinstall?

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