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Old 07-07-13, 12:36 PM   #2263
Black Magic
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I setup a single mission with an airbase, one victory cargo, and one VIIC sub (me). Hit a bookmark in the code where it iterates over all the units in the game. I was thrilled to see that the there were 3 units in the list (all 3 I had defined in the single mission) and upon investigating the second one (the airbase) I saw it was missing a pointer in one of it's memory addresses (it's a pointer to a type of Commanders controller). Without this pointer it will never use any sensors it has (any of them defined in the .sns file) and it will probably never fire any weapons given to it in it's .eqp file because this controller is missing (this controller is responsible for detecting contacts). I opened up it's .dat file and sure enough there is no commander controller specified in the .dat file. That explains why this pointer is missing

I let the game continue running till it hit the bookmark for checking for airstrikes. This is where I'm at currently and seeing if I can make the airbase spawn aircraft based on units in the area within a certain radius of the airbase having a contact. If the unit within the radius of the airbase has a contact then I'm going to try and make the airbase spawn a unit to investigate the contact.
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