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Old 01-23-21, 10:07 AM   #1
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radar Regia Marina - Duilio class batteships - 2021 edition

Hi everyone!

I'm glad to release this revised, reworked, repainted and again improved mod: Duilio class italian battleships (Andrea Doria and Caio Duilio), as they were extensive reconstructed in ww2 early years!

D\L Link:

This is only the first of a serie of revised units for Regia Marina, a major work who started after i've start a collaboration with flush deck, in order to "homogenise" various italian warships i've released during a lot of years, and assure a standard quality level for all of them.

As you can see, version after version i've tryed to improve units, adding 3D details like doors, portholes, cables, rails, stairs, liferats, fixing small design flaws, taking care of "historically accurate" side, etc.
The goal is have a standard level for all my Regia Marina units released until now, and eventually for future releases

Since my really first Duilio's version was released in 2008, it's hard to mention every mate who help me in this work. So, i've chosed to include credits version by version, in order to say thank you to everyone.
If i'm forgetting someone, please let me know, i'll be happy to modify

05/21/2021 updated version with new superstructures, new liferafts, transparent glass windows, interiors wit crew..

----------------------------------- CREDITS

For 2008 version:
Special thanks to Gerome, who authorized me to use his BB Roma, a optimal base for this work.
Thanks also to evan82, BBW and Buhring (beta testers) and subsim community for the help in developing with impressions and suggestions!

For 2016 version:
Special thanks to JapLance and Kovall also. Recently JapLance sent me one of his wonderfull units for SH4, with a very usefull library with a lot of italian guns, including 320mm and 135mm Duilio's guns. For 90mm single A\A weapons i've used a library from my previous conversions ok Kovall's italian cruisers (Trento, Montecuccoli and Da Giussano).

For 2019 version:
Huge thank you to Stefan Thimme for help with .sil and .sim, roster, for improved and optimized library with JapLance, Jeff-Groves (Privateer) and Kovall's guns, and for beta tests, general revisions, improvements and suggestions for a more realistic unit!

For this 2021 version:
Special thanks to flush deck for new fantastic textures, for ship and library also!
Thanks to Sphere, who give me permissions to include and modify his searchlights mod (please read original readme included).
Thanks also to Anvar1061 for some suggestions about those searchlights and about optimize .eqp files.


Edit: this mod replace all previous versions =)

Best regards,

Those, others and WIP ships are avaiable in my SHIPYARD here:

Last edited by VonDos; 05-21-21 at 04:10 AM.
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