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Old 01-13-08, 07:24 AM   #4
Bilge Rat
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Hello Werewolf,
at the time DWEdit was 'last' build, there were no Steam or other 'downloadable'-Distributions of Dangerous Waters available, so DWEdit doen't know about them.

If DWEdit starts, it has to know, where the installation directory of 'Dangerous Waters' is located on your hard drive.
(DWEdit uses this information f.e. to locate the <installpath>\graphics directory for displaying the 3D model graphics)

In detail, DWEdit tries to locate the <installpath> by reading the registry key
<HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sonalysts Combat Simulations\Dangerous Waters\1.0>
and looking up a String value named <rootInstallPath>.

For a 'normal', installation this would point to f.e.
<C:\\Program Files\\Dangerous Waters>

From what you describe, I assume the digital river distibution uses another registry key to store the installation path....

I suggest to try out the following workaround to get DWEdit running:

Down below you'll find a copy of 'my' Dangerous Waters registry key.
Copy the text (between <BEGIN> and <END>) to a new Textfile which you rename
f.e. DWReg.reg

Edit the paths, so that they point to the place where you have installed Dangerous Waters.

If your <dangerouswaters.exe> is located at <C:\Program Files\Digital River Distributions\Dangerous Waters\dangerouswaters.exe>
you have to edit the <rootInstallPath> to
<C:\\Program Files\\Digital River Distributions\\Dangerous Waters>

Please note that Registry Editors Syntax requires DOUBLE backslashes where the windows path has only one!

You should edit all path fields, but if I remember correct, DWEdit will only read the <rootInstallPath>.

Save the edited file and double click it to store the information in the registry.
If you have done everything all right, DWEdit will find the newly created registry keys.
If the key is correct and DWEdit finds the
databases and graphis archives, everything should be fine and the DWReg.reg file can be deleted.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sonalysts Combat Simulations\Dangerous Waters\1.0]
"DisplayName"="Dangerous Waters"
"rootInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerous Waters"
"cdInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerous Waters"
"scenarioInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerou s Waters"
"dbInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerous Waters"
"interfaceInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangero us Waters\\Interfaces"
"graphicsInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerou s Waters\\Graphics"
"sfxInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerous Waters\\Audio\\Sfx\\sfx.agg+"
"musicInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangerous Waters\\Audio\\Music"
"cinematicInstallPath"="D:\\Programme\\Dangero us Waters\\Cinematic"

If you have a little knowledge how the windows registry editor <regedit.exe> works, you can try to figure out, how the 'real'
registry key, which your distribution of Dangerous Waters uses, is named.
I assume it should have a similar layout than mine, but probaly the term <Sonalysts Combat Simulations> will have been changed
or preceeded by something like <Digital River>...
As a good starting point you can search the whole registry for your installation path of Dangerous waters.
If you found the 'real' key, please make a text dump from it, and post it, so I can implement it into the next build of DWEdit.

Cheers and hopes this helps,

Author of DWEdit

Shallow men believe in luck,
Strong man believe in cause and effect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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