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Old 12-05-09, 03:42 PM   #5
Sea Lord
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In my computer, searchlights cause a severe slown down since i change my graphic card, it´s a driver problem, but i´m unable to play at night with convoys.

I´m doing a "no search lights mod" but it will take some time because i have to delete all light references in every EQP file ..for example ..LinkName=REF_small to LinkName=null.

Also i think that is more realistic, because a search light makes very easy track or spot the convoy miles away. And the same with battleships and cruisers without asw weapons.A good submarine captain can use the lights to detect and track ships better than in the darkness .

It´s different in the case of starshells not fixed to the boat and only last some time.
But this ship can't sink!...

She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. and she will. It is a mathematical certainty.

Strength and honor
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