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Old 02-02-06, 11:02 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Our having a beef with any publisher has to do with how they are performing to the contract, nothing more.

Talk to the publishers about anti-piracy measures. We're a developer. It's unfortunate Starforce is such an issue, none of these things were known about it when it was chosen for Enigma - don't retroactively apply evil intent - there was none. It was chosen, as are all copy protection schemes, to try and protect the investment in the game and give it a fighting chance to stay on shelf long enough to compete with EA and Microsoft, etc. PLEASE NOTE: As soon as controversy began regarding starforce, we were the FIRST group to publicly post the starforce removal tool.

We worked very hard behind the scenes to help keep Enigma selling, we've provided tech support to thousands of players - 99.995% dealing with starforce problems or out of date systems (a publishers job btw - poorly handled by thim in our opinion). That said, it is likely that Starforce had a part in helping Enigma stay on shelf as long as it did because of the piracy prevention or delay. It has stayed on shelf mostly because it's an accessible game to the new naval enthusiast and has an extensive amount of gameplay and moddability. You'll notice there has been almost NO promotion done for the title beyond our press releases, interviews, demos and community interaction.

I invite anyone to show us some publisher advertising for it. The 2 early PC Mag and Computer Gamer ads were paid for by us.

I want to note: Halcyon and Auran are the exceptions when it comes to publishers - we have zero complaints about either and highly recommend them both (Germany and Australia respectively).

Multiplayer....our still unborn child. Truly a regret that we have seen so many obstacles that the likelyhood of reaching that goal is remote. To the whiners, detractors and entitlement crowd...well, you can figure out what I think about your posts.

Kelly 'East' Asay
Tesseraction Games, Inc.
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