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Old 05-29-20, 11:04 AM   #9476
Fleet Admiral
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Originally Posted by August View Post
Well except for the mail part the "many public places" that you mention sounds a lot like our regular polling stations. The way they work here is when you arrive you identify yourself to the poll worker who checks you off the list of eligible voters. They hand you a blank voting ballot which you take into one of the booths and fill it out with your choices. Once you are done you put the completed ballot into the locked ballot box and they check you off as having done so. Nobody can see who you voted for. Campaign workers are not allowed on the premises. They can literally pay you for your vote, even drive you to the polls in a bus but they have no way of telling just how you voted.

The vote by mail they are talking about here is the exact opposite. They will mail a ballot to you at home or party HQ or wherever you have listed as your mailing address. Assuming it arrives on time or at all you fill it out, possibly with a party representative looking over your shoulder or maybe even filling it out for you, and then you (or somebody) drops it in any regular US Post Office mail box. See the potential problem with this setup?
Thank you August for your reply.

Well then Trump could be right.

Some more information about voting by mail in Denmark

A Danish citizen can vote by mail in the following places:
1. The population registers and citizen services in all municipalities
2. In hospitals
3. In nursing homes, sheltered housing and in elderly homes
4. In prisons, detention centers, etc.
5. In one's own home if you cannot leave your home due to illness
6. On remote islands
7. Abroad

As you can see in point 5, only a person who are ill can vote from home and here this person need two witness-Two person s/he doesn't know.

And this box with all these ballot is send by courier

A vote by mail in Denmark is not the same as the ordinary election day.
On this day there will be thousands of polling stations around the country.

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