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Old 04-29-09, 08:52 AM   #37
Join Date: Mar 2009
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U-49, VIIB
December, 1939 Patrol.
Was assigned to patrol off the NW coast of Spain. On the way south, I was making an arc to follow the the outside of the continental shelf. Don't ask why, it just felt right. And it worked. In BE17, I got a radio report of a convoy heading SW at 8 knts, in BE17!! I was literally a stone's throw away. I was quite excited, as this was my first convoy in the game. I cut my teeth in the stock version with a IIA, and only moved into the Atlantic in a VII once I got GWX. Anyway, not really knowing what to do from personal experience, I quickly moved ahead to get into position, went to 20 meters, and waited. Turns out the convoy track was a little more south than expected, but that worked out, as the lead escort cleared me by about 1500m without me having to move. My sonarman was only reporting 2 warships, and what I counted as 21 merchants contacts. Feeling brazen, once the DD was past me, I went to periscope depth and took a peek. This being my first convoy, it was a sight to behold. And what is this?! I notice the very distinct shape of a Nelson-class BB in the middle! I know our standing orders are to ignore warships and go after merchants, but I couldn't help but feel giddy. I'll get those merchants next time around, I tell myself.

I'm now cursing my inexperienced torpedo loadout choices, as I have only one electric loaded in the fore tubes. I decide to attempt 4 magnetic shots - I'll fire the electric at an angle at the tanker following the BB, and then spread the 3 steamers set to run at 12m at the BB at 90 degrees. I didn't have to wait long for the pieces to move into place. Fired the electric, periscope down a couple meters, quickly switch to TDC and set to fire all 4 tubes (one is empty, of course), and run fast at 12m. Back to periscope, center on the middle of the three forward batteries, and Los! Then, as I was told to do by the boys back at BdU, er, subsim forums, I lower periscope, move to ahead slow, alter course to exit the rear of the convoy, and begin a slow dive. It was hard not to stay and watch, but I needed to consider the crew's safety.

As we slowly dive, we wait for the results. Boom! Boom! BOOM! All three pistols work on the Nelson! Ruhig, maenner! We wait for the torp hitting the tanker...nothing. Oh well, three hits on the beast!

And of course, the fun begins. I slip past the last line of ships, making my way down to 150m. Both escorts are in pursuit, though one doesn't stick around too long. 2 DC runs happened as I was still diving. I'm VERY inexperienced at evading destroyers, so I wasn't sure what I was doing. At one pt I tried to go to full and alter course as soon as the destoyer passed by and I was in the baffles, but he quickly reacquired me. Anyway, after the 2nd DC run, we get the "she's going down" message! More cheers, followed by the chief scolding them. I hope the convoy picked up the abandoning crew.

Now we really need to ditch this DD. We reach 150m. Then 160m. Another DC run occurs, though it doesn't sound like any got close. I can't seem to shake the guy, but he can't seem to get any closer. We just need to wait it out, I guess.

Anyway, after running the last 3+ hours at 1x, it was getting to be quite late IRL, and unfortunately, I had no option but to pause it and make the escape later.

Wow, long post. My apologies! And sorry for the unfinished story, I just needed to get it out! Now, back to the work I should be doing...
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