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Old 01-15-21, 08:38 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by kapuhy View Post
It's simpler than that: any bone named B01,B02... will be recognized as weapons slot. You can place them wherever you wish on the model and use any aircraft-portable weapons with them. L01... are for reflectors, R01... radars, O01... visual spotters (usually only one per plane of each), P01... - pilots/crew. EDIT: also, GR2 Editor allows you to rename bones and (though you'll need an older version for that as this functionality is broken in newest version included in TWoS) even to clone them.
Not exactly so, at least for the purposes I need. That the B slots are weapons is ok but for the implementation of the weapons that I intend to add I need to know exactly where the bone is located ( It will become important later on, you'll see ). In addition I want the bombs placed where they really were attached on the aircraft ( Bombay or External )

Originally Posted by kapuhy View Post
Can you elaborate? I'm in the process of adding some new planes to the game so I'm quite interested in learning of any issues with weapons they carry.
Well at least from what I've noticed so far ( I'll be more precise the more I'll go deep in the various files ) these are the main issues I've noted about aircraft so far:

- Unhistorical loadouts

- There are no external wing racks for the bombs/DC ( 3D models already built )

- Most of the aircraft ( if not all ) that were, IRL, equipped with depth charges in the current TWoS are not or they are equipped with a DC loadout that do not work ( No DCs dropped at all even if the node/bone is equipped with them).
I have still to double check this well but my initial impression is that the DC_Cluster acts as a sort of dummy DC. ( I haven't seen any DC dropped when the aircraft's relevant node is equippped with them, but further tests are needed to be 100% sure about this )

- Some aircraft should be removed ( e.g the Go 229 ) due to the fact that they never left the project table. IMHO useless to do all that we can to match the realism and then having spaceships flying around ( Very personal point of view be clear, I do not intend to criticise the TWoS author/s in any possible way.Their work has been amazing, it's simply that I like some stuffs implemented in a different way )

- I have yet to find ( only because I haven't still looked at it ) where the aircraft damage model files are located because the aircraft DM, IMHO, is beyond arcade. In the tests I've made so far you can let explode a PBY Catalina or a medium/large bomber with a couple of shots. My initial feeling after seeing this ( as an aviation passionate ) was a bit MIEOWWWWW...

- The good part is that most of the aerial weapons use a .DAT file so importing the new ones in the game should be, in theory, pretty easy and fast. ( I have already built all the necessary 3D models, I need simply to import them and then update all the aircraft loadouts accordingly )

- I have still to determine/know what is that controls the aircraft behaviour ( if not hardcoded ). Let's say that I would like to understand certain aircraft behaviours. In particular:

a) What controls how many bombs are dropped in a pass? ( So far I saw the bombs/DC dropped just one a time ). My guesses are 2: or is something hardcoded or some of the nodes are not correctly positioned ( For example, IIRC, in SH3 if the node was set too close to the aircraft the DC of interest didn't work )

b) Why sometimes the aircraft drops the bomb/DC others not? ( My guesses: wrong speed set for the waypoint, wrong aircraft alignement with the target or too low level of experience of the aircraft of interest set in the ME )

*My thoughs behind this: I'm a passionate WW2 aviation lover so I would like to have the aircraft in the game as much closer as possible to their real counterparts. Aircraft were extremely deadly for U-boats, I would like to have them more dangerous in respect to what we got actually. ( Too easy to deal with them currently, IMHO )

Last edited by Viktor_Prien; 01-15-21 at 09:43 AM.
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