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Old 08-07-19, 01:51 PM   #4
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Late war convoys were death traps. Passed 1943, Allied ASW technology and doctrine for convoys were so advanced that odds are, if they did not destroy outright after spotting you, escorts would find you, wait around until the lack of oxygen force you to surface, and then finish you up.

Late war U-boat crews were able to survive usually by avoiding convoys, instead patrolling further away around secondary shipping routes near South America and the African coast, because there were still lone merchantmen in these areas.

Attacking a convoy from the side is not the optimal approach: a) It would be viable only on nighttime - or if the weather allows you to approach on the surface close enough before firing. b) Most escorts are usually placed on the sides of the convoy because of wider frontage on the ships' sides.

Ideally, after spotting a convoy, you want to place yourself in front of the convoy path, submerged and rigged for silent running. You let escorts and merchants pass over you, then you periscope and rip open whatever juicy tonnage you may find. Even better if you pull it off during a moonless night, because a few ballsy Kaleuns would surface in the middle of the convoy, fire the torpedoes, and continue the attack with your deck gun while everyone is confused on what the heck is happening.

Last edited by Drakken; 08-07-19 at 02:35 PM.
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