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Old 10-05-20, 02:33 PM   #67
Navy Seal
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TMO with custom mods

12 August - 18 September 1944

Received worst depth charging so far. Heavy damage.

After a frustrating last patrol in Philippine and East China Sea ( sunk two large fleet tankers and a coastal steamer. Spotted but unable to close imperial battle fleet on 19-20 June West of Marianas due to numerous enemy aircraft contacts. ) assigned to Area 5 in Japanese home islands.

Departed August 12 Arrived in Area 23 August Patrols in open waters proved negative so per intelligence reports Japanese were moving merchant traffic along coast, moved in closer to coast submerged during daylight with periscope and periodic SJ sweeps while submerged.

August 28 tracked a large tanker and merchant with 6 PC type escorts just 6000 yards off coast between Omaezaki Cape and Ise Bay. heading West at 8.5 knots. Was not in favorable position at initial contact, so moved away from coast, surfaced to get ahead of convoy. A lone "VAL" dive bomber soon appeared and remained in area, appeared it was providing escort. This caused Drum to dive numerous times as it appeared to be closing but changed course at last minute. Unfortunately, was unable to gain attack position before convoy made port. Left coastal area to recharge batteries.

Afternoon of 29 August while submerged patrol off coastal between Omaezaki and Ise Bay, spotted smoke in periscope. Sound check revealed distant screw. SJ sweep at radar depth revealed small convoy heading our way. Went to GQ and began closing. Found a Madras Maru merchant with 5-6 escorts. One Matsu Class DE in lead, multiple PC types forming rest of screen. Were roughly 5000 yards off coast. Closed in at 100 feet came to scope depth convoy had moved closer with course change. Turned for stern shot with Mark 18's from 3800 yards as it kept us relatively deep waters for evasion. Fired spread of three Mark 18 torpedoes. Number 2 was a circle run, forcing us to go deep to avoid. Began heading away from coast for deeper waters when heard two torpedo impacts.

Initial evasion at 375 feet was successful but soon two of the escorts(cams off so not sure but believe based on sound one was the DE other was one of the PC types) contacted us and stayed on for nearly 7 hours, at one point due to flooding and inability to lose was at 589 feet, nearly 300 feet below test depth. Finally flooding stopped and enough water pumped to control vessel. Continued evasion, endured few more close charges but eventually slipped away.

Surfaced at 0300 hours to recharge and repair. Stern tubes 8,9 were damaged beyond repair but other damage, while serious was repairable.

SJ regained contact at 0400. Convoy was barely moving, likely due to the heavily damaged vessel from two torpedo hits but at their 3 knot speed would arrive Ise Bay around dawn. Night was dark enough with light fog and escort screen had a gap as one escort was still off hunting. Closed for night surface attack torpedo. Radar emissions were detected from lead escort but managed to approach undetected. Fired Four Mark 23's at Madras Maru from 4100 yards. Fired two at Matsu DD directly ahead. As torpedoes neared end of run, began high speed turn to race away. All four torpedoes hit the Madras Maru, obliterating the target. The two missed the DE, which was now turning to pursue us, having detected on radar no doubt.

Lined up aft TBT for stern tube down the throat shot on Matsu should it be necessary as she could overtake us with speed. However, its advance was slowed as it was zigging back and forth, no doubt anticipating we would fire torpedoes. However, she began opening fire with her forward deck gun which landed some close splashes but with each one accuracy fell off. The problem became a PT type boat closing at 30 plus knots from aft port with radar signal painting us. Too shallow for torpedoes and saving those two for the Matsu, Ordered 40 MM and 20 MM guns manned. PT opened fire as tracers passed over and around us a 3000 yards but held fire. A few of the light automatic rounds hit Drum. Finally at 2000 yards opened fire with 40 MM and 20 MM guns. Boat caught fire, lost way, exploded and sunk.

Unfortunately the engagement provided the Matsu with clear visual bearing on us and began closing at high speed, firing star shells and its deck gun. Two near misses caused hull damage.Began slight constant helming with 5 degree rudder port and starboard , providing a zigging target. While did not hole the boat, the near misses did cause apparent hull damage.

Lined up for down throat shot with stern tubes, just waiting for the DE to be within range when it began zigging again, slowing its advance. After a prolonged pursuit and a radical turn DE slowed and began dropping depth charges, convinced we had dived to evade.

Moved 100 NM out to sea to assess damage and repair.

Assessment of damage revealed two stern tubes could not be repaired and hull damage rated at "12". This could seriously endanger ability to safely evade deep as required when submerged, decided to head back to Pearl Harbor.

Just after midnight 31 August while en route home made contact with a 9 ship 4 escort convoy 200 NM off coast of Japan on course most likely for Tokyo. Opting a hit and run night surface attack, closed in and fired six Mark 23's. Sinking an Akita Maru freighter and a Shajima Maru freighter. Racing away evading gunfire with no damage.

On 11 September while 300 NM South Wake Island, with a light fog and overcast, moderate seas. An enemy plane appeared on SD at just 5 NM. Made emergency dive but as passed 125 feet several large explosions rocked the boat. Serious damage in forward torpedo room including flooding reported. Emergency surface with AA guns manned but no plane in sight.

About 6 minutes later a large flying boat (EMILY) appeared and flew in towards us. 40 MM and 20 MM hits blew the wing off the aircraft as it pass just 100 over pulling out of its glide. Two depth charges fell but missed by a great deal as plane crashed into waters.

Over next few hours while repairs conducted and water pumped out, more planes arrived search but even a few came close, never spotted us, in large part due to the low visibility. Finally water pumped out and repairs made. Continued on to Pearl Harbor where arrived 18 September.
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